Update – 6/18/22

Brethren in Columbia, TN load their third container in 100+ Temps.

The third container from the Columbia, TN area was loaded on Wednesday in 100+F temps! The Graymere and South Gate congregations are the primary contacts but numerous brethren from all over have joined with them. Michael Lawson (Lenoir City, TN) has been bringing several truckloads to Columbia to go on the containers loaded there. With Wednesday’s load the Columbia site has shipped 3,938 Family Buckets plus tons of other relief commodities!

In this update, I have included several condensed communications received this week. We are currently working on project #72 since the beginning of March! Our team is amazing—Tanya in Wroclaw, Poland; Charita in Fair Lawn, NJ; Taras in Warsaw, Poland; Piotr in Lublin, Poland; Ivan in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine; and Pavel in Lviv, Ukraine are only a FEW of the many connected in our network that is showing the Lord’s benevolence in this historic crisis.

News from Ivano-Frankivsk

From Ivan we have received these words:

Big thanks to you for your prayers and support that you provide for this church and Ukrainians, and especially now when we are facing such horrible times in the history of our land. Once again, we are assured that God’s designed Church of Christ is the much more powerful and mightier than anything designed by humans throughout the history of mankind. And we are so thankful to God the Father for His Son, through Whom the life-changing Holy Gospel has reached us here in Ukraine. This is the Gospel that is changing our lives; it is changing our country, which doesn’t want to live enslaved to sin and insanity any more.  We believe that the Lord will grant us victory and the war that has taken so many lived will be over soon.

Our congregation works hard to help people, to improve living conditions in Ivano–Frankivsk and the Region. Besides, we help the displaced, give out the Holy Gospel, and invite people to church.

People are exhausted and drained by the war. Displaced tell us a lot of horror stories about brutality of Russians. It is horrible and we pray to God asking Him to put an end to the war. 

Please, continue praying for all of us. We are in a great need of your prayers and encouragement in spirit. We love you and always thank God for you and your country. May the Lord keep all of you safe. You are always in our hearts.

Ivan Skoleba

Columbia, TN loading their THIRD container

On Wednesday morning 15 June about 30 volunteers gathered to load a container that had been collected at the Church of Christ at Graymere in Columbia, TN. The temps were very hot and humid and those inside the steel container endured temps of 140F as they stuffed the container full!

Medical Pallets Shipped & Distributed

We were contacted by a pharmaceutical company based in New Jersey and offered 150+ pallets of medicines. We sent the list to hospitals in Ukraine offering this product to them. Charita, our logistical guru, arranged the sorting and labeling of pallets to hospitals that responded to our offer. She arranged free air transport into Europe and then a private delivery service in Ukraine picked up these pallets and delivered them free to the assigned hospitals!

One of the physicians that accepted this offer was Dr. Denys Volynskyi with the Tysmenytsia City Hospital and West Medical Clinic from Ivano-Frankivsk (this is located within a short distance from the new church building facilities in Ugornyky. This contact developed from the medical seminars that have been coordinated by Dr. Gary Jerkins.

We received a kind email from Dr. Denys:

Dear team that participated in the collection and transfer of medicines.

Today, together with Dr. Bogdana, we received medications.  I am attaching a few photos already in the clinic. I also want to tell that about 9 boxes with hormonal ointments, antibiotics and antidepressants already tonight will go to the Nikolaev direction for one of military formations. We will send the next ones to other locations in the coming days.  Once again, I would like to thank you all sincerely for your continued support. These remedies will help to better deal with wounds, abrasions and constant stress.

Thank you, thank you and thank you again!

Feedback on Distribution

We would like to again thank you for the donations to the Ukrainian refugees who are currently residing in Poland. Our Foundation is happy to distribute much-needed humanitarian aid you provided among the people who left their homes fleeing the war.

We would like to inform you that much humanitarian aid has already been distributed to Ukrainian refugees currently living in Dorohusk, Lublin, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Rzeszów and other locations. 

We are now continuing to distribute your humanitarian aid to those who need it most.

Attached you can find photos taken during the distribution as well as the lists of people who received the aid along with their names, polish PESEL (SSN) numbers and signatures. Thank you so much for your kindness.

Piotr Wasilewicz

Thank You!

Mr. John!

Our team is very grateful to you for everything. We will make every effort to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches the military and war-affected citizens of Ukraine as soon as possible.


Our relief efforts continue collecting, sorting, packing, loading, shipping, and distributing! The task is on-going and the energized compassion is continuing to reach-out to help Ukraine!

Thank you for what you are doing to ship these critically needed commodities in the name of the Lord and show the compassion of Christ’s Church!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Dalraida Church of Christ
(Montgomery, AL)