Update – 7/9/22

A truckload of Family Buckets and medical supplies is being unloaded at the church building in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

From the beginning of the Russian invasion we started collecting Family Buckets. We thought this would be the first phase of our efforts and would be quickly completed. However there has been an overwhelming need for these buckets. I have been told that these are “valuable” and provide exactly what the families need. Each bucket is opened with eagerness and joyful delight is seen as each item is taken out and displayed. These buckets contain items that are treasured by those struggling with the evils of war.

Check out the slideshow at the end of this post for some great pictures of these buckets being distributed to those in need!

From The Frontline

Thank you for sending these as we are able to get them into hands of those in great need. These buckets send a message of compassion that is desperately needed in these evil times. Many of those receiving these have witnessed inhumane horrors. Thank you for reminding these that there are people who love and care about them.

These reports received about these buckets are amazing!

These children received some of our buckets and backpacks with special items for children inside.

From Refugee Centers in Poland

Please see more photos of the distribution. I am pleased to inform you that the refugees are very happy and grateful. Many thanks for Your kind support and the donations. What you are doing is much needed and very appreciated.


Because of the OVERWHELMING response and the amazing success of the Family Bucket project, we are launching another bucket collection project!65

If you are in the Montgomery, AL area we have buckets and lids that you can get to fill and return.

In the first bucket project we received amazing participation and have shipped close to 30,000 family buckets to those in need.

Please energize those around you and let us “do it again!”

Here is a revised Bucket List that was modified by input from the first bucket shipments into Ukraine.


Let me urge those who assisted in the first project–do not become weary in well-doing! It was tiresome efforts but look at the results of your labors!

There is a great need and people are crying for assistance.

We need you to:

  • Organize a Bucket packing event in your congregation and community
  • Reach out to community groups who will be glad to assist
  • Send funds that can be used to purchase the bucket contents or help with transportation

You can make donations in two ways: online at https://www.dalraida.org/helpukraine/ or mail a check marked “UKRAINE RELIEF” to:

Dalraida Church of Christ
3740 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109.

THANK YOU for all that you do to assist the Lord’s efforts in this horrible situation!

John L. Kachelman, Jr
(Montgomery, AL)

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