PHOTO: BUCKETS were delivered, unloaded and instantly distributed by the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk!
Our actions continue at a never-before-experienced pace in Ukraine. Currently we are arranging logistics for shipment #94! Within these shipments have been several very large cargo actions (one was 350+ pallets; another was 150+ pallets; another was 50+ pallets!). When you consider that a cargo container holds 20 tall pallets, these large shipments become much more impressive!
In this update you read of the continuing impact the Family Buckets are making for the Lord’s Church. We receive daily pleas to send more Family Buckets. We are asking you to do all you can to join in this project. Ask other groups to help. If you need the REVISED Family Bucket packing list please go to Dalraida’s link: https://www.dalraida.org/helpukraine/
The Dalraida congregation will host a Family Bucket packing day on Sunday 28 August at 2:30! If you are in the area come and join us pack HUNDREDS of the buckets for shipments going out soon.
CONTAINER LOADINGS!! We have several container loadings scheduled—in Montgomery we will load out on Tuesday & Wednesday this week and another on 01 September. CURE (WestArk church of Christ, Ft. Smith, AR) will load a container with hospital beds, gurneys, and other medical items). We have just received word that Kathy Cadden was able to contact and get a donation of SEVEN truckloads of chicken and beef broth that will be a critical food source in Ukraine this coming winter. Charita is working now to schedule those for sponsorship and shipping.
AMAZING developments continue opening doors of opportunity!
I have posted Ivan’s report on Vitaly in a recent update. Ivan sent more photos of Vitaly. Now Vitaly has taken upon himself to get Bibles into the hands of every soldier and support member in his unit. As his unit makes its way eastward he will have Bibles to give to those he meets. Amazing!

Greetings, dear brother John. Thank you for the letter.
We give away humanitarian aid in Yaremche and always discuss biblical topics. We understand that it is not enough time but we cannot go there more often than once a month. We still have Zelena where there is a group of Christians and we teach Bible classes twice a month in the village and they come to Ivano-Frankivsk once a month. We are working to connect with people in Ugornyky and look forward to your visit so that together we can start teaching there. We think that in order to invite them to Church we need something to get their interest, maybe English classes or something. The war is slowing all the processes of life down but it does not interfere with evangelism. We work with many people. We know that our meeting place will be filled with those being saved. God gives everything at its proper time.
I keep you and your family in my prayers. Big thanks to all brothers and sisters for prayers and love.
Because of war we are in great despair and are troubled deep within our souls. But I want you to know that we carry out great evangelistic work and humanitarian aid. This kindness opens people’s ears and makes their hearts open to listening to the Word of God. Your work is a great Christian aid. THANK YOU AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Now many people with whom we worked want to be baptized. Therefore, Satan will do everything to spoil the work of the Church and sow doubts. Let’s pray and be careful! Thank you and I love you. Ivan
know that our meeting place will be filled with those being saved. God gives everything at its proper time. I keep you and your family in my prayers. Big thanks to all brothers and sisters for prayers and love.
Ivan Skoleba
What great pictures. One step closer to full occupancy. I am so happy for them. Ron
This is a heartbreaking story but it is in response to the buckets you have shipped over… we put a prayer, in each of the buckets we packed, with contact information Praise the Lord for all he does through us, the underserving. Michael Lawson, Lenoir City, TN
Greetings, good people! I am the Head of the Public Organization ‘The United Family of Heroes of Azovstal.’ My name is xxxxx. My son Vitaly – an officer, died in Azovstal on 04/15/22, my daughter-in-law Taranina – a soldier, died on 05/08/22 at the Azovstal plant.
We have organized a union with the families of the victims, where we help everyone. We have received the gift of your your buckets of help! I bow low to you for your kind heart! Everything is so wonderful and useful! May the Lord protect your family!
Sent by Michael Lawson
Again Michael Lawson sent news of a completed action:
John, This is the Bulgarian shipment into Kharkiv. Could not have done it without you! Thanks Brother! Mike
I received good news from brother Denis Spoelnik

Hello, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and the congregations,
The situation in Ukraine: I’d like the share with you the latest events that happened to us during the last month. Sadly, the warfare on the territory of Ukraine continues. The world’s population got used to the news about it but hundreds of killed and wounded people daily don’t let us forget and accept as normal what is happening to our country. We are used to go to bed and get up hearing air raid alerts and our children still beg us to stay with them in their beds so they can go to sleep. These horrors go on. Thousands of people still evacuate from their homes running away from the war. And we keep trying to help them out with everything we have in our possessions. We are very grateful to all the brethren who sacrifice for this ministry. Together we helped a lot of people and gave them a chance to adapt to the new place.
The Lord’s Church in Ukraine: On the one hand we deal with destruction, pain and woe but, on the other hand, there are a lot of baptisms in Ukraine these days. Every week we witness how in different congregations people are being baptized in water. While accepting the humanitarian aid, people hear the word of God and obey the Gospel. It encourages us to continue in the Lord’s work spreading the Gospel. During the last month I personally got news of more than 20 baptisms. And I’m proud to share my personal joyful news that my older daughter Polina also entered into the covenant with the Lord. She made the most important decision about her salvation and now we are assured that she will never be alone in this world.
One more exciting and joyful event for the Church was the Christian camp Amerikraine. This year it took place in Lviv. It was such a wonderful time when the Christians from all over the country were able to unite and pray, have lessons and fellowship. It was such a breath of the fresh air during this challenging time. We thank our American brethren and Jeff Abrams for this opportunity and help for the church of Ukraine.
During these months our students were involved with the kids in different VBSs. They learned to teach children, preach publicly, have Bible studies and spread the Gospel. For the next school year we will add four more students. Thus, the total number of the student body is eight. They start the classes in the beginning of September. One more student is still serving in the Ukrainian Military. We are grateful to everyone who help our Institute and the Ukrainian Church. We will face these difficult times together.
May the Lord keep His church and Ukraine. In Christian love, Dennis Sopelnik
A Thank You for Assistance…

The directorate and staff of the Morshyn health and rehabilitation for children with parents ‘Prolisok’ express their sincere gratitude to you. Your gifts of humanitarian assistance provided in the form of food and basic necessities for both children and adults are wonderful blessings. These are very appropriate and necessary for us in the conditions of war with the Russian aggressor. We are sincerely grateful to all congregations there, as well as to your Ukrainian partners who are related to this charitable mission. The Ukrainian partners assisting are the International Public Organization “Pennant of Ukraine,” represented by its President General Liubymov M.I. and the Chairman of the Cultural Historical Foundation “MYTH” Mr. Gukov-Kushnir E.V. Together we will help people and we will definitely win this war.
John L. Kachelman, Jr Montgomery, AL
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