Trip Report #4 – Sept. 19, 2022 (Perry Baker)

During a strong rainstorm Beto opens his umbrella inside the bus because it was raining inside the bus!

On this trip, I am able to include some reflections from those who have accompanied me. In this post, I want to include Perry’s thoughts on activities Friday and Saturday.

Friday – 9/16/2022

Ivan, the minister, and his wife, Sveta, met us at the hotel and had a short visit before driving to the village of Ugorniky where the church building is located. The pictures below show the progress of the building after five years. The past three years have been very slow due to COVID, lack of materials, and the war. The majority of the construction is by the members.

I am very impressed with their skills. There is a shop next to the building being used to train young men in a trade. This is also used as an outreach tool where those being trained have the opportunity to hear the gospel. We were told that one of the young men wants to be baptized this week.

In the Fall, a boiler was purchased that will heat the building. However, the boiler could not be connected because of parts that could not be purchased. We have given Ivan enough money to complete the boilers system which will provide heat on the main floor that has piping in the floor and all the radiators. This will also complete the electrical system.

The pictures below show some humanitarian supplies that the church delivers to the community.

We had lunch following the visit with Ivan, Sveta and Inna, who will come with Beto and me Monday to Zelena. In the late afternoon we met Vlad who had to move from the east due to heavy fighting where many were killed.

Saturday – 9/17/2022

After breakfast, Ivan’s son Ruslan drove us to meet the mayor (Lubov) of Ugorniky. We met at the kindergarten school her daughter Marianna designed and is also the director. In the lower part of the school is a bomb shell which they had to use 4 times in two weeks. There are sandbags in various places around the exterior of the building. One of the immediate needs was two toilets in the bomb shelter for the children. We gave them US dollars to get the portable toilets because they have been ordered but the delivery is on hold because the bank has not released the money to purchase them. All government funds are going for the war effort.

Lubov received very sad news while we were visiting with them. One of the children’s fathers was just killed on the front lines. There are about 170+ children that attend here. It was extremely wonderful to have met mayor Lubov and her daughter Marianna and visit the school.

In the late afternoon around 4:30, we met with Ivan until close to 7 pm.

Trip Notes: “Where in the world is Carmen Santiago?” was a children’s game in the mid-90s. I was reminded of this game’s title on Sunday. I introduced Beto & Perry to Inna, and I told Inna that her task on this trip was to keep track of Beto. I said, “You will soon be asking, “Where’s Beto?” After worship on Sunday, I saw Inna frantically walking around the building. I asked, “Is something wrong?” Inna replied, “Where’s Beto? I cannot find him anywhere.” So now Inna is a character in the updated “Where in the world is Roberto Santiago?”

Continue praying for our efforts!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)