Photo: Here is Team Zelena–Inna the Innocent, Perry Baker and Beto Santiago
Here are some snippets from our team in Village Zelena…bits and pieces of communication not in chronological order!
Do not worry. All of the little chicks are safe in their house!
Inna upon arrival
Had a marvelous sleep in the cabin waking up to no heat because the fire burned out overnight. We are doing well, I got up and split some medium size fire wood! Started fire 🔥 and now it is going good. Made Oatmeal, instant coffee. Beto did toast on stove element. He did not want oatmeal. I just finished washing and drying the dishes.
Petro, the owner, had the fire going when we arrived and said if we need a cook there is a lady in the village that usually come and cooks for the guests. Rained all day yesterday.
We went to the school and was met by Katarina the Librarian/Historian of the village. It was remarkable walking through it as she explained in detail. As you walk she tells the progression of the village. Due to the war the school decided not to have all the children at one time, so each day difference grades comes and the remainder study on line. Yesterday they were sent home early due to an air raid warning! We were unaware of it. We also met Maria and Luba who work at the school.
We had a remarkable visit at the school and we are invited back. Tomorrow is a National Religious holiday in western Ukraine (the birth of Mary). We will meet with the priest of the village.
Inna, Beto and I walked to see parts of the village and observed the villagers doing various things such putting hay on spigots to dry, cutting logs into various size lumber at their mill, an older lady heading to market with a sack of apples, and men gathering at the local general store visiting. We went and saw the Orthodox Church.
Today is an Eastern Ukraine religious holiday celebrating Mary. The villagers met at the church to celebrate. To show the villagers that we were not a threat to them we went and stood by them for a period of time and them left. There are no seats in the Church building and you come and go as the Priests are doing their things. Katarina, Maria and Luba from the school saw us and were very happy. These ladies from the school would tell the villagers we are friends not enemies. Inna and I made Borsch the night before and had that for lunch.
Ivan and Sveta came last evening with 27 buckets to give to the community to show that we are not enemies, as Ivan puts it, but friends. We had a late supper at Bogdan’s home. Following the meal, we had a very good bible study that lasted a long time (11:30 pm). Ivan and Sveta spent the night and will be with us today.
We had a very long and productive day!
Upon our arrival in the village we had a wonderful visit with Bogdan, Galina, Peter and Tanya. It was capped off with coffee, homemade honey, cow cheese, wild mushroom in a very tasting sauce which tasted like cream of mushroom soup. I withheld the temptation by not having the sweets she also served. Then we returned to the cabin. A great start for the week ahead!
At Bogdan’s home last evening he asked use what we thought about the Trinity! What we found very fast is how deep it is imbedded their religious history, not so much in ours. Bogdan and his family have only been Christians three years with a zeal to know God’s Word so they can teach in their village.
We had a late night! We left around 11pm but Bogdan said we could stay until 1am or 2am, and then smiled. Wonderful family.
We are doing great! Adjusting to the situation here. We had a great visit with Ivan’s relatives. Look forward to what’s to come!
This is more wonderful than I thought! Thank you for allowing us to come and for placing us in this location. There are so many opportunities for the gospel!
John, Ivan and Tanya came and we loaded the van with the buckets and went to the school and met the Director that Ivan had talked to the following day. He met us at the door and greeted us along with Katarina. We delivered 12 buckets and John described what was in them and that the Church was so honored to be able to assist. We also met four of the teachers and one of them taught English. Following the pleasant visit, we drove to the Zelena’s local government building and delivered the remaining buckets but unfortunately, we were short one. Ivan will bring it next trip from Ivano-Frankivsk. We meet all the members and once again we were well received and encouraged to come again.
I truly believe the work that Ivan and John began is breaking the ice of suspicion with the village seeing that we are here as their friends and with the help of Bogdan and his family the possibility is very encouraging.
Well another cool (41F) rainy day which makes this the fifth day in a row. Bogdan came over and we served him and Peter (Borsch). We had another wonderful evening at Bogdan and Galyna’s home and of course wonderful food. Once again encouraging talks about scripture, their friends’ and neighbors’ spiritual needs.
As we were getting ready to leave Bogdan said to Beto and me that he felt he had known us for years and was very relaxed talking to us. To me that was a great compliment and the beginning of wonderful opportunities for the Lord’s work he in Zelena.
Continue praying for our efforts!
John L Kachelman Jr Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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