Fall Mission Trip Report 11

Photo: The Church of Christ in Cluj, Romania has been offering food to those fleeing from the war. Here are people queuing waiting in line for the food pantry to become available.

When Russia invaded, there were two major routes of exodus to those fleeing from Russia’s evil. The two nations receiving most of the initial refugees were Poland and Romania. The Lord’s Church had operations in both nations that embraced and assisted those fleeing. While my efforts are largely focused in actions in-country Ukraine, I want to remind the readers that there are actions in other locations.

The Churches of Christ in Romania have been exceptional in their loving embrace of those struggling against evil. Brother John Durham is once again in Romania and sends this brief report.

I’m in Cluj and Lord willing will be until Thursday, October 13. We are still distributing food three-days per week and helping with other necessities such as getting prescriptions for the refugees and teaching the Ukrainian children Romanian.

I am conducting English and Bible classes and handling the teaching at Sunday School and worship. 

We are working on putting together Magi Boxes for the Ukrainian children. Please let me know of any groups of children that are especially in need. And if you know of any specific needs such as sleeping bags, blankets or other items we can purchase here and take into Ukraine let me know or if the congregation in Ivano-Frankivsk needs anything.

Please tell everyone hello for me and that they are in my prayers every day!

Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

The first picture is of my English class. The children are studying Romanian and the third one is people queuing for the food pantry. 

Today is the 6-month anniversary of the food pantry with over 20,000 served!

It’s hard to explain how much work goes into this effort most of it by our preacher Dragos.

John Durham