Fall Mission Trip Report 14

Photo: We distributed Family Buckets to the school and the village council in Village Zelena. Those present asked us to tell the Christians sending these how grateful they are for the loving generosity and support during these difficult times.

The efforts in Zelena are going very well. Beto and Perry are perfect fits for developing relationships and teaching the gospel in this village. Of course, our dear Inna is the perfect fit in Zelena and everywhere else in the world! As the momma hen, she is keeping her chicks all safe!

One of the days was spent delivering Family Buckets to the school’s staff and to the Village Counsel office.

Perry and Beto are excited about being in the village and loving every second of the visit. They are in constant study with Bogdan and Galyna, Peter and Tanya discussing various biblical questions. These two families comprise the congregation in Zelena at this point. The challenge for Perry and Beto, as it has been for others visiting Zelena, is to present the Lord’s Church to those who have never conceived of the New Testament pattern. This will take a number of visits and much effort, but it is good to see the fruits from such efforts.

After the visits and distribution of buckets we went to Bogdan & Galyna’s for supper and discussions. Galyna’s father (Peter) came to eat supper and it was good to see him again. After supper we went to the plot of land that has been donated for a small meeting place for the Church. Bogdan runs a sawmill and he has already cut the wood for the building structure. In the slideshow photos you will see Ivan and Bogdan standing beside this cut timber.

Every day of this visit it has rained. So, the village’s roads and especially the meadows are quagmires. Beto and Perry had stopped at a market as they went to the village and bought some rubber boots for $5 a pair! These have really been used in their visits.

A special THANK YOU to all who have helped collect the Family Buckets. In a conversation with one of our contacts in Odesa we were told these buckets are like “Kinder surprises for adults.” This references the child’s candy egg that contains a special prize.

Note from Perry…

Fri. Sept. 29, 2022…When I woke it was raining lightly but went outside to split kindling and fire wood. Met Taras one of the villagers who brought honey to us and invited us to his home to show his bee operation. You never know what impact you make just being friendly and a kind smile. God opens doors and possibilities are numerous. Inna & I were with Taras for about 1 ½ hrs. We sampled fresh honey from the honeycomb. Very warm and friendly visit. Ivan and Sveta arrived around five and we then went over to Bogdan and Galena’s for another fabulous visit garnished with another delicious meal. I had the privilege to milk the cow or should I say try to milk the cow, at least she didn’t kick me. Bogdan finished milking! We had a short Bible study because Ivan and Sveta have to drive back to Ivano-Frankivsk.

Sat. Oct.1, 2022…The leaves are changing into pretty fall colors. Cut more wood! Worked on a talk for Lord’s Supper on Sunday. Bogdan picked us up around 1pm and we picked up Galena and their 3 grandsons and headed to their daughter Lily’s home. Stopped first and bought gifts for her and the children and great grandson. We meet Lily last week at the village government office. We were introduced to Lily’s daughters Polina, Antoneena, and her friend Maryams.  Once again, we were served a wonderful Ukraine meal. It was wonderful to meet Lily’s family but disappointed because her husband was away. Arrived early evening at the chalet and in the process of getting ready for our return to Ivano-Frankivsk in the morning. I will truly miss being in Zelena but most of all our bible studies with Bogdan, Galena, Peter and Tanya. Lord willing, I well be able to come back!  Your servant,


From Gif…

Some other positive updates from the last couple of days: Ivan took me to the rehab center that the folks from Kramatorsk are starting here and he invited Vlad to come with us. After that, Ivan wanted us to meet with a gentleman named Andrew (great choice of name I would humbly submit) who has been studying the Bible recently, and Ivan asked Vlad to come along for this as well and we all had some good discussion.

We followed up with Marianna at the Ugorniky schools to give her the funds for the sleeping bags and she was very appreciative. I can see her and Ruslan’s friendship has developed well and she is very open to the church with some teaching; Julia had never met her before and said she felt like they were already best friends after just one day, so I think she will get tied in very quickly. Ivan expressed the desire to begin teaching the Bible through English classes there and I told him to write out his full plan for how that would look and send it to us, and he agreed to do so. Ivan asked if I could preach on salvation tomorrow.


Again, I want to thank those who have sent financial support for expenses incurred on this trip! Your willingness to assist and the fruits of your generosity, reminds me of Paul’s words to the Corinthians, “For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgivings to God. Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:12-15).

Continue praying for our efforts! John L Kachelman, Jr Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine