
Photo: Distribution in Ivano-Frankivsk continues as the Church gave this elderly lady one of the Family Buckets that was packed with love and sent with prayers.

THANK YOU to all who have been so active in assisting efforts to collect, pack, load, ship and distribute critically benevolent items throughout Ukraine. The increased bombings by Russia into the civilian sectors is an evil historically by ungodly evil seeking to erase human populations. Look back in history and observe the “barbarian conquests” in Asia and Europe. What Russia is doing today is pure savagery!

The coming winter will be brutal in Ukraine. At this point one-third of all electrical plants have been destroyed. Water has become impossible. Food and basic living provisions will be scarce. Many are doing all possible to assist. Our efforts continue. We daily receive multiple offers of donated items. But, our shipping funds have been exhausted and we are begging for more funds so we can continue sending these shipments.

Here are some encouraging reports on happenings…

From Ruslan Skoleba…

Dear brothers and sisters! Love and greetings to you! As I wrote before in my previous report, our American guests were impressed with everything they saw here at the Lord’s Church in Ivano-Frankivsk. I think they have shared their impressions with you. So, together with you we continue with our ministry in God’s vineyard despite all problems. God’s grace enables us to go on with our labor.

Thanks to John and all others who are part to humanitarian work. Together with you, we have helped many medical institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk as well as City Hospital in Nadvirna, 2 paramedical units in Ivano-Frankivsk, clinic in Zelena, hospital in Lisets, etc.

I have to let you know that we have decided to raise our accountant’s salary this month. She lost her husband 2 years ago and she was left with 2 children. With all that’s going on in this country and her being with us from the very beginning and readiness to help us at any time, we feel she deserves it.

All the brethren here send you heartfelt greetings and gratitude for your prayers and support, for delegating brethren from over there to encourage us and for making those trips possible. May God with you, your families and your country.

Sincerely Yours, Ruslan

From Ivan Skoleba…

Dear brothers and sisters, we have lived through another month, thank the Lord. Despite the war we trust the Lord and set our hopes on Him.

The Lord has blessed us this month with guests from America. We have had many joyful meetings and encouraging lessons.

Now we have an electric boiler in the church building, which makes it a very warm place now. We thank our American brethren for help in the construction of the church building. It was very happy to hear Perry talk about construction quality and that it is better than in America! This month has been rainy and cold with high humidity but with heating our building has become warm and nice.

Together with our American brethren, we visited children’s shelter, members of the congregation while having great fellowship, teaching lessons for the members and residents of Zelena. We have had many wonderful and unforgettable meetings discussing the Word of God.

We need to preach more about repentance, salvation and eternal life now that we are threatened with nuclear weapons and this insane bloody war is still a reality.

In September one person was baptized and two more are getting ready asking many questions about salvation.

Together with the men, we visited the military unit where one of our brothers is in service where we gave heaters to keep them warm. We also help some soldiers individually when they ask us for it.

John, Gif, Perry and Roberto, big thanks to you for having been with us encouraging and helping us. The Lord will give you and your families hundredfold for your courageous and kind hearts.

Big thanks to all helping us, praying on our behalf and on behalf of our children. We are in a great need of your prayers today, more than ever before. In Christian love, Ivan and Svitlana

Container Loadings…

The Searcy/Judsonia warehouse loaded a container for Monrovia, Liberia on Tuesday 18 October. They had a great loading crew and stuffed the container full. This loading had been scheduled, postponed and rescheduled many times. The initial loading was September 8. It was finally loaded October 18!

The Montgomery warehouse is scheduled for a loading this coming Monday (October 24) at 1:30 pm. This container will go to Ivano-Frankivsk and will help furnish a rehabilitation center.

Thanks to ALL who are partnering with the Lord to bring relief to the millions suffering from evil!

“(Y)ou will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgivings to God. Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God” (2 Corinthians 9:11-13).

John L. Kachelman, Jr.  Montgomery, AL