
The Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk delivered clothing, hygiene items and food to families who are housing the children we had to evacuate from a camp when Russian cluster bombs targeted the children. A GREAT THANKSGIVING has arisen to God because so many lovingly responded to help with the critical feeding need.


“The Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who does not show partiality, nor take a bribe. He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the stranger by giving him food and clothing. So, show your love for the stranger” (Deuteronomy 10:17-19).

“Seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, obtain justice for the orphan, plead for the widow’s case” (Isaiah 1:17).

While I was in Ukraine in October, Russia targeted a children’s compound with cluster bombs. The children had worked hard all summer in their gardens to lay-by winter foods. But all of that had to be abandoned. The children were evacuated and a call to help provide food was issued. An amazing response resulted. We were able to send money immediately and then we have been arranging transports of food because donations have been received! Here are some of the first deliveries of your compassion!

Greetings, dear brother John! How are you? I know that you stay very busy. We work with people, various groups, and give away humanitarian aid every day as well. People always ask us to give big thanks to American Christians for their support of Ukrainians.

Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk


The entire nation of Ukraine is struggling with the brutal cold and the bitter hatred of Russia. Many locations have no water; electricity is available only for a short time; meal preparations are very difficult if living in one of the larger cities. Here are two snippets from brother Dennis Sopelnik and Ivan Skoleba giving insight to the living conditions.

We haven’t slept from 2 a.m. this morning as drones have been bombing Kyiv, air raid alarms were on and everybody has been praying for the Lord to give wisdom to our military to shoot down drones. Thank God the majority of drones have been shot down, but five have still hit their targets and damaged Kyiv’s infrastructure. Air raid alerts sound all over Ukraine and we don’t know what can happen and where it can happen. That’s why everybody is highly strung and in a constant prayer.

Ivan Skoleba

I am very grateful to the Lord for all your fervent prayers and aid that you’ve been providing for Ukraine. Many of you know that we fight for our freedom in all aspects. There’s no secret that Russia wants to destroy everything about our culture, morals and religion. This winter will be the most terrifying for all parts of our country. We lack electricity, mobile and internet connection, water and heat. The pressure of the problems increases daily. For instance, in the beginning of November we would not have electricity for 5-6 hours a day, but these days we only have it for 4-5 hours. It does not give us enough time to charge our phones and place calls. The occupants keep destroying our civil infrastructure by missiles and deprive us of the basic human necessities. However, the church continues to congregate and help people. Our Bible Institute is in session. The Gospel is being preached without ceasing. It gives us joy and hope for the future.

Dennis Sopelnik


The Church is doing fine. We support Christians, encourage them and help one another. At this time the men are planning the work of the Church for the next year. We have included Ugornyky in those plans. I will give you more details on those plans when we complete preparations, agreements and other things. There are two partnership opportunities in Ugornyky. At this point we need to decide which one would work better in terms of evangelism. There is a secondary school there as well as a college, where we have good contacts that will be glad to work with us.


We continue buying construction materials for the church building as it is possible. Work is limited as there is electricity for only three hours each day. Even though we are meeting and some are living in building, we were given only temporary certificate. The men of the congregation are doing all they can to get official occupancy. We plan to have the building and the ground around it ready for official occupancy in March.  Electric heating in November cost us a fortune – 19,890 gr. Now we heat with only wood. Whenever we have occupancy, the power bill will be two times less because there is greater charge when building is considered in construction phase.


Those reading these newsletters will remember the young man Volodya. When 16 years old, he was beaten by a gang and thrown down a stairwell. He suffered brain damage and has been confined to a wheelchair. He lives with his grandmother. The Church was asked to contact him and we assisted. He was eager to study the Bible and became a Christian. Here is Ruslan taking food to Volodya and his grandmother.


Thank you for your great work for the Lord. Love you and pray for the Lord to protect you and your family. Happy Holiday Season!

Churches of Christ have not stopped amazing and have surprised me since I started working with you.  I wish I could reach out to every person, give them a hug and say think you. You all are the reason this has happened.  And I am so proud and honored to be part of your group.

As 2022 closes and 2023 begins, the trauma in Ukraine is not ending. We continue receiving donations and shipping critically needed commodities in the name of the Lord and His Church!

John L Kachelman Jr  Montgomery, AL