Ukraine Awareness Luncheon!

Luncheon at Freed Hardeman University lectures

Experience a bit of Ukraine culture – try some Ukrainian borscht and dessert and learn about various Ukraine mission works and plans and hear first-hand accounts of the latest news from the Ukraine war

Date: February 7, 2023

Time: Lunch – 11:15am approximately (after chapel services) to 12:30 approximately 

Work session: 12:45 – 1:30 approximately

Location: Brown-Kopel Business Center Lobby 

Cost: Free

Seating capacity: 115-120 approximately

Purpose of meeting: To build awareness of the various mission works in Ukraine, to provide an update on the war and to recruit experienced teachers, preachers and workers to support and participate in Ukraine missions when the war is over. 

We would enjoy having you attend. If you are able to attend please email Jeff and tell him the names and number of people attending with you. PLEASE RSVP BY FEBRUARY 01 to: JEFF JOHNSON