Last Fall, John Durham was in Romania operating from there to assist in the war relief actions. John did wonderful work that was crucially important. One of his projects was to coordinate the Romanian Christians in collecting and packing shoe box-size parcels for Ukrainians. These were sent to many places, including Ivano-Frankivsk. “These are pics of presents that John Durham sent through Romanian brethren. We gave them to mothers and children. Everybody was excited and thankful to American Christians. It was an emotional and joyful sight. Big thanks to you, our dear brethren! We love you! Ivan Skoleba”
Each day we receive a number of emails and text messages regarding the relief efforts. These are so encouraging because at times we are so exhausted that we do not know up from down and there is a constant nagging presence of things not going the way they should go. Here is one of those encouraging messages that help soothe our souls!
Jeanette L
It is evident that our Lord is blessing the efforts of the brethren in this ministry! I pray daily for an end to this conflict, and for the comfort and care of those who are caught up in it. May God continue to bless you and all those involved in this special work. Love in Christ!
Recent communication from Ivan Skoleba…
We are currently being audited by the Security Service of Ukraine, and the police are checking for 2022 who and what we gave humanitarian aid. These checks are made because there are many scams and a number of those claiming to do good are breaking the law. Thankfully our books and accountant are in order.
Ivan Skoleba
Now our brothers and sisters and children are very sick with flu. We also got sick. High temperature and runny nose.
We still have holidays until January 20, so there are some inconveniences in solving issues with the church bus. We will do paperwork for the church bus after Jan 20 as it will be our turn in que at Customs with a broker there.
These are pics of presents that John Durham sent through Romanian brethren. We gave them to mothers and children. Everybody was excited and thankful to American Christians. It was an emotional and joyful sight. Big thanks to you, our dear brethren! We love you!!
Svetlana sent us a short “thank you” video that I wanted to share. Svetlana is the director of a rehab center in Ivano-Frankivsk that we have worked closely with and the Lord’s Church has helped supply many needs there with her. See the translation of her video below and some additional pics of the items delivered in the name of the Lord to those in need.
Dear John! Big thanks to you for the aid. Thank you for your kindness and compassion. With all our hearts, we wish you a Happy New Year. Good health, peace and God’s grace to you and your family!
Sveta, Director State Physical Rehabilitation Center, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
MORE Family Bucket news…
Bogdana Krivogorsky
Just would like to let you know that your buckets are a hit on the front lines. Our partner, Olexiy Bobin, took a few buckets to the front lines to Ukrainian soldiers and they turned out to be a huge hit! It seems that in the rush of things we forget that boys also need regular household items when they are on rotation from the first to the second line of defense. They also have “military war households,” do laundry, wash dishes, sew on buttons and patch their clothes, need utensils, and sponges. Energy drinks/electrolytes are a must to keep functioning, so your buckets found a new area of usage!!!
Here is a social media post and I want to show you something with you buckets. They all are asking for more of these buckets for Kherson and Bakhmut and Nikolayev. Saying that military units think it is the best ever. All families that have lost everything continue begging for the buckets.

We continue to receive constant reports and photos of actions in all quadrants of Ukraine. We hope that the updates we are able to post help demonstrate the amazing good that is being accomplished by the Lord’s Church. As we begin this New Year we are already underway and have loaded several containers and scheduled about SIXTEEN more for the coming weeks.
The large generator for the church building has just arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk and we are anxiously looking forward to reports and photos that it is installed and working!
Thank you for your financial support that allows us to pay transportation costs!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Montgomery, AL
Interested in attending the UKRAINE AWARENESS luncheon at FHU Lectures?
PLEASE RSVP BY FEBRUARY 1 to JEFF JOHNSON jeffjohnsonatty@bellsouth.net
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