Update – 3/27/2023

Photo: This boy is so excited to get everything out of the family bucket that his family was given! Look at the boy’s smile! THANK YOU for collecting Family Buckets!

The Family Buckets continue to be distributed in the areas where the displaced have been assigned. The buckets are delivered to the Ivano-Frankivsk church building and then distributed throughout the area.

“Words cannot tell the emotions that are seen when families receive these buckets.”

Our Loss but Paradise’s Gain…

We have lost a dearly loved one—Pat Coggins! Pat struggled with health issues for a number of years and finally her “earthly tent” (2 Corinthians 5:1) could remain no longer. Pat was the epitome of the virtuous Lady in Proverbs 31. She leaves a wonderful legacy of pure and undefiled religion. I am thankful that ALL memories are etched in the forever realms of the mind’s museum of children and grandchildren. They will remember the precious memories of patience, soft-spoken words, and kind and gentle expressions of love. Pat’s dedication and love for education (secular and spiritual) were unmatched. She is the momma of our son-in-law Brian and the beloved “Granny” to Brian & Bekah’s kids. She will forever be remembered as the encouraging wife of Paul, a cheerful voice in troubled times, and the personification of trusting faith in the Almighty God. She loved life and in the midst of her grandchildren would always shrug and say with a delightful smile, “Oh well that’s not what we planned but, OK let’s do it!”

Her passing from this life leaves a great void in many lives but the words of the Apostle Paul aptly summarize her current condition: “We are of good courage and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8).

News from Ivan Skoleba (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Greetings, brother John! Thank you for the letter and the reports that you’ve sent. This is a great work for the Lord and I am so excited and thankful to all American Christians for such great help for us. We look forward to having you here. When I was in Poland, Tanya and I talked about the plans and she shared those with you. When you come, we will plan as we go. At times we have air raid alarms all through the day. I hope that the Lord will help us carry out our plans. Despite the war in this country, the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk is busy working and helping people. This is the best evidence of the Gospel being preached in such horrible times. We are looking forward to seeing you in April.

Lubov Zinovievna will help us in Ugornyky. We would like to start working with the youth there on a regular basis. And we need your help and experience in this. Those coming with you will be a great help in our efforts. It would be good to teach classes on leadership to our men here for the war slowed them down some.

Zelena is also sending their greetings—Bogdan, Galyna and their family. All cannot wait to see you.

We ate lunch with Marilu and Mirek and had a good time with them. They gave us the generator bought and shipped by our German brethren.

Then we spent the night with Tanya. Saw Inna and Sviatoslav was at school. Inna is very thankful for the support from the church. They can’t wait for the war to be over so that they could come back to Ukraine. 

We returned from Poland Tuesday night. I taught Wednesday Bible class and passed on greetings from brethren in Europe. We crossed the border with no problem. Thank you for prayers. 

May the Lord keep you and yours safe. With love in Christ and respect,


Distribution Report from General Nicholy

Dear John, Tetiana and Charita! I’m happy to send you greetings and to let you know that the humanitarian medical shipment has arrived to the medical institution in Ivano-Frankivsk that we planned for and will be further delivered to other institutions. Our troopers and civilians are sending big thanks for help that brings us closer to victory. I’m attaching a report showing the arrival of the shipment. Sincerely yours,

M. Lubimov

In two weeks I will be in-country once again. I am eagerly looking forward to being with the brethren in Ivano-Frankivsk and contacting others who will validate the distributions of the shipments we have sent. As usual, I will send back reports as often as possible. Joining me and adding their input to the reports will be Perry Baker, Gif, and Jared & Whitney Kelly (Dalraida’s youth minister and his wife).

Pray for our efforts to be used for the betterment of ALL we contact!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Montgomery, AL)