Trip Report #1 – April 9, 2023

Perry Baker and I depart from Montgomery, AL today and hope to be in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine by Wednesday! We have several appointments along the way. Joining us, later, will be Andrew (Gif) Gifford and Jared & Whitney Kelly. They are scheduled to depart 21 April. We should return on 06 May! We have a full agenda and some challenging actions, but are confident in our mission’s success! Pray for our efforts and God to open doors.

Below is aa recent report that Vlad sent on the work currently being done by the Kramatorsk Church of Christ. The majority of the members at Kramatorsk have evacuated. Now they are spread throughout Ukraine and in the surrounding nations. However, they continue their labors for the Lord!

Vladimir Paziy Reports!

“Otze Shkola,” English and Bible School

On March the 1st, the school started testing the program. So far having 16 students, 94 lessons were conducted in March. English is taught thought flora and fauna materials for kids, family, friendship, Bible stories. Most of it is taken from Apologetic Press sources. Students can talk to natives during some of their classes. Among them are: Justine Barnes, Will Harrison, George Spurlock, Jeff Abrams, Walter Rayburn. The school will grow, and it will need more teachers both Ukrainians and English-speaking ones. Scott Dutton is the one who sponsored this project from the very beginning by helping with the website issues and salaries to technical support (Alye Frolov – the guy from Kramatorsk, used to attend Bible school there and temporarily is living in Frankivsk) and teacher’s coordinator (Polina Basileva). If you want to join as a native speaker or if you know anyone who can or you have questions, please contact Oksana, she has the information: Our school website is: Kramatorsk Church of Christ.

Even though Kramatorsk is located 50 miles from battle line, there are 7 Christians from our congregation who did not leave town for certain reasons. There are two brothers who come with a certain frequency to Kramatorsk, they still have work there, so they hold worship every Sunday. We try to support Christians who left in Kramatorsk with their needs. Our brother Taras made trip to Kramatorsk and brought humanitarian help. Church made small Gospel company and invited guests to the worship. Thank you for the funds you’ve sent: Walter Rayburn and Jeff Abrams.

Our work in Ivano – Frankivsk

Bible classes are conducted every day: Facebook, Telegram, Viber. Monday- Wednesday is my turn, Thursday, Friday – Vitaliy’s. Every day at 9 p.m. we have men’s meeting and evening prayer on Viber. Men continue to be in touch on different church issues. We continue supporting the youth minister Nazar Semikoz. He is having Bible classes every Friday with the youth group on Zoom. Also, our scattered Kramatorsk congregation is partly supporting Oleg Fofanov, the preacher from Konstantinovka, it was the commitment of the church before the war had started. Now he is in Uzhgorod, West Ukraine, trying to do work there.

My evening routine is to go outside with the Bible and talk to people in the park or at the local lake. Sometimes it is very good discussions. After one of them I was invited to the evening discussion, and I did go. Those people do not believe in baptism. After I showed them Bible verses, I was not invited to their next meeting.

We (6-9 people) still worship in the apartment where we stay. Every Sunday at 10:00 AM. War creates very difficult time not only with killing and destruction, but also with the lack of work for those who had it. At the moment they are two people: my friend from Kramatorsk, he is living in a small village in Central Part of Ukraine, my brother, and Nicolay. Every month my bother Maxim Demidenko is making a box for him with provision: hygiene, food, medicine.

Rehabilitation center

I mentioned before that this center had moved from Kramatorsk because of war. They received from local government the building and made reconstruction. John Kachelman had sent some special equipment and now they start to work. On the photo you can see the director, her deputy and Ukrainian soldier who was wounded and now arrived for rehabilitation. We will start our Bible classes in April at this clinic. They had already invited John for that.

Thanks for support and prayers. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

In Christ,
Vladimir Paziy

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Montgomery, AL)