Photo: The Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk, 16 April 2023.
The Lord’s Day dawned cloudy and cool in Ivano-Frankivsk but the assembly of the Lord’s People warmed our souls. We began with the room half full but slowly others came in and the room filled. By the time the last couple arrived we had 34 attending the assembly and only a few seats were left empty.
The Church is still assembling in a rented room because it is located in a building where heat and electricity were constant. Even though we have the generator at the church building it cannot be connected until the utility department sends certified workers. This has been required because many improperly connected generators that back-fed the supply lines and caused more damage. The city keeps promising but the appointments keep being pushed back. With the warmer temps there will be no need for heating and the Church will move to its permanent location. We will still connect the generator and it will be a necessary backup source. The date for the final removal of all furnishings in the rental room is May 1.
The worship went well and the lesson was well received. After the assembly, we enjoyed hot tea and Polish treats that Tanya had brought to share with the Church.
It is a genuine joy to be back among the congregation. Several were out due to illnesses, the war, and of course the holiday travels to nearby villages.
Following the assembly, we invited the congregation to go with us to a restaurant and share in a fellowship meal. Fifteen went and we were able to send food home for two more. It was a good time to sit and visit. Many of those that went with us were elderly and have scarce food supplies. For these it is almost impossible for them to go to a café or restaurant because of their limited funds. From the photos you can see that all had a wonderful time.
Notes from Perry
It was a joy to Worship on the Lord’s Day with the Christians in Ivano-Frankivsk with about 35 in attendance. Ivan informed the Church that they will be moving from the rented room in town to the church building by April 30th and that the van will be completed and ready to transport those members who need a ride to the building in Ugorniky. This will be a savings of $300 per month for the rent of the room in Ivano-Frankivsk as well as the cost to rent a bus every week. John as usual presented a wonderful message to the Church. We visited for a time after service and then were honored to take seven widows and seven other members out for lunch. It is so encouraging see the love for each other in the Church and how they are eager to help those in their community which is very evident. Just a great Lord’s Day!
Continue praying for our efforts! “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way that I ought to proclaim it.” (Colossians 4:2-4)
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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