Photo: here is a photo of the State Rehabilitation Center that was in Kramatorsk but had to relocate to Ivano-Frankivsk because of the war.
On my previous Fall Mission Trip I reported on the wonderful connection that had been made with a rehabilitation center. We had helped the State Rehabilitation Clinic in Kramatorsk a number of years ago. Brother Vladimir Paziy was the contact between the Clinic and the Churches of Christ. Last Fall Vladimir had been walking across a parking lot when he met Svetlana, the Director of the Clinic. Neither knew that the other had been displaced in Ivano-Frankivsk by the war. Vlad contacted Ivan Skoleba and then me asking about the possibility of helping the Clinic with some shipments.
I met with the Clinic and was met with a wonderful embrace and the assurance of full cooperation. We were asked to help with furnishings and training by visiting groups of therapists. We were told that those being assisted would love to have a Bible study.
I returned to Montgomery and arranged for a container to be shipped. Thankfully CURE (Ft Smith, AR) had a PT Clinic’s furnishings available and we loaded a container. Svetlana told me today how much this container was appreciated.
The clinic has finished refurbishing the first floor and are working on the second floor. Today we met with the entire staff and volunteers in the Clinic. We had a great discussion. Of urgent interest was the need to have visiting therapists come and share practical ways to help in their work. They stressed that they wanted “practical” sharing of how-to-do physical therapy. We also talked about emotional and vocational counseling.
The emphasis was made that we needed only to send “certified” people regarding the therapy assistance.
Especially is this true in the psychological counselling—not only will there need to be certified counsellors but the interpreters used MUST be certified in counselling terms, phrases, and emotional behavior. Not just “any willing warm body” is acceptable.
At the close of the discussion I was asked to say a prayer and did so. Following our dismissal, we were taken on a tour of the first floor and saw the amazing work that had been accomplished since last October.
URGENT NEED—I am looking for certified therapists who will come and spend 7-10 days sharing practical techniques. We have an invitation to come and assist in a number of ways and even conduct Bible studies for those who are in the Clinic. This is an amazing opportunity—a wonderful open door!
Notes from Perry
We met in the morning with Oleg Basarab who heads up the first aid training for the soldiers in Ugorniky which the Church has helped with humanitarian needs, supplies and buckets. (John’s note—MUCH more on this in a later post).
Our next visit was to the building the city of Ivano-Frankivsk gave for a Rehabilitation Center. It needed to be totally renovated and that work started last October. The bottom floor is completed. John was able to find various donors for rehab equipment along with some we just unloaded last week. We had a wonderful meeting in the conference with all the staff and discussed the progress and needs. We also talked with a soldier that is recovering from a head injury. He has a way to go for full recovery but wants to get back to the front line to fight for his country. We were given a tour of the facilities.
Continue praying for our efforts! “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way that I ought to proclaim it.” (Colossians 4:2-4)
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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