Trip Report #11–April 22, 2023

Photo: The Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk, April 22, 2023

The Lord’s Day dawned with beautiful sunshine and nice temps for our second Sunday in Ukraine. This week’s assembly was enhanced by the arrival of Gif, Jared and Whitney last night. Their translators (Polina and Sasha) arrived as well. Gif preached and used the encouraging message of Haggai to urge the congregation to live by faith and not fear! In the above photo you can see the smiling faces of those assembled!

You have heard from me and Perry so I am giving the “newbies” place to tell you how they are doing. Below their reports are various feedback messages that I have received. These are encouraging and bolster our energy!

From Whitney

After a 30-hour journey, we have arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk! It is a beautiful city with beautiful, friendly people. We started today by meeting our translator at breakfast, then we went to worship with the congregation in the city. They were all so friendly, kind, and extremely grateful to have us in their country. Among the people there were students from the nearby Bible college, a doctor in school, and others. After worship, and socializing we had a wonderful lunch where I had a dish of chicken stomach over smashed potatoes. I was a big fan. We went back to the hotel to rest after lunch, then had a meeting about what we will be doing next week. We will be teaching English at a local high school this week and we are very excited about it!

From Jared

We arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk last night, tired from the flights and long drive. We got a good night’s rest though and started the day off slow since we did not have to be at worship till 11:00. We enjoyed a 10-minute walk through the heart of the city and it was beautiful. On the way to the Church we saw large canvases that were pictures of Ukrainians who had died serving in the military during the current war. We saw close to 400 in total. It was a sobering walk, but I think it was a valuable thing for us to see. It was a wonderful reminder before worship of Jesus’s words in Luke 20:38- “Now He is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live to Him.”

We were greeted warmly by our brothers and sisters in Christ when we arrived and had an uplifting worship together. I could tell by their prayers how much they care about their country and their countrymen.

The small room we worshipped in was cozy and it made the fellowship afterwards so much more special. We went into town and ate together, feeling much more blessed than we had before. Seeing these people keep their faith in Jesus in spite of their troubles is so encouraging. Today is a rest, recovery and planning day, and we cannot wait to begin our service here to these wonderful people.

From Gif

I am being told that today was Sunday although if we had not met for worship I am sure I could have been told it was any day of the week and I would have believed it. The journey bringing us to Ivano-Frankivsk was worth the travel-time to come and see our old friends. The Church seems to be especially thriving as there was not a single empty seat at worship today, a very positive sign especially considered all of the current challenges. It is always a great joy as well to come to Ukraine with new people and get to experience everything new through their eyes. Having Jared and Whitney along is a great bonus to this trip, and I am sure as the next several days go on we will find ourselves incredibly busy with the work here.


This is wonderful news.  May God continue to bless the good efforts of all that are involved.  To God be the glory. We are praying for your continued safety and your continued success. Give brother Perry our good greetings.  We are also praying for the safe arrival of Gif, Jared and Whitney. Please give our love especially to our dear brethren in Ukraine. Dean (Elder, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL).

John~ Thanks for the update from Ukraine. PLEASE give the brethren there a big hello from Alaska (again, it IS owned by the USA) and a hug to TZ and Princess Inna. (I had some guys in Donetsk argue with me that Russia still owns Alaska and that the State was “leased” to the USA. Dumb!). Love and prayers, Ken (AK)

John, It has been some time since I last emailed. Your last report #8 really touches my heart. John Durham has been as you know in Romania and is headed back home this coming Wednesday. He told me about 75% of the Ukrainian refugees had returned back to Ukraine. Sounds like Romanian locations are beginning to close down with fewer and fewer Ukrainians left to help. Is that correct? Time softens and tempers the shock and lessens desire to help those in need. That’s just human nature. I don’t want to forget about Ukraine. Specifically tell me how I can get funds for those children who have lost parents and families. I was humbled today to receive a real Ukraine flag from a friend in Kyiv. Wow, I cannot wait to display it. Meanwhile, please be as careful as possible over there. I continue to be amazed! Email back when you have a moment. Prayers and thoughts for you and those dear people will continue. Chris (FL).

John:  If we send funds to Montgomery, can you distribute funds to those families who are caring for children orphaned by the war? I would leave it to your judgment how to disburse the funds. We just want to help. Keeping you in prayer for your trip. God bless, Tommy (Glen Allen Church of Christ, Glen Allen, VA).

Dear John, Thank you for the nice meeting tonight. Thank you for your email address. I am very glad to meet wonderful person, a great friend of Ukraine! Have a good remainder trip and success in all your endeavors. Best regards, Александр Vladymyrov (Shupk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine National Head of the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, MD, PhD, Professor, Kyiv, UA).

Continue praying for our efforts! “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way that I ought to proclaim it.” (Colossians 4:2-4)

John L. Kachelman, Jr.  Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (Dalraida Church of Christ, Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109)

Distribution of benevolence items is received with great joy! “BIG THANK YOU for the cany!”