Photo: Perry Baker’s English class at the Ugorniky High School. I cannot find words for a further description of this photo. I will let the Baker boys add explanation for their father’s impact upon a previously disciplined school classroom.
It is hard to believe that our time is quickly drawing to a close here. Today Ivan told me that the reception of the community, schools and military has been beyond his wildest dreams. He says that in every sector he is hearing nothing but good comments on our team’s impact.
Today we were unable to visit schools because schools had been closed due to scheduling class trips to the mountains. In the place of visiting schools, we went to help a military unit purchase items needed at their operating base. It was an interesting visit and enlightening to talk with the soldier and hear of his experiences. A number of troops from his base have been deployed and over 100 more are leaving in the next few weeks.
We also visited a home that has been hosting IDPs. At this time there were only two IDPs living there. Inna who husband is away and Ivan who has come from a distant location. While we were enjoying tea and cookies, Ivan played music on his accordion.
We stopped at the Church building to look at the progress of construction and continue to be amazed at the workmanship and quality that is being observed in the work. Almost all of the downstairs is completed! We also saw the renovated Church bus that is ready for the installation if the Church’s logo. The engine was in great shape but the interior had been treated roughly. The men of the congregation have rebuilt the interior and treated the body with rust-proofing. The bus looks like a brand-new vehicle.
All work has been significantly slowed by the war. Many cannot find laborers and parts and supplies are also difficult to find. The Church bus should have been ready 2-3 weeks ago but these wartime shortages made it impossible to get finished on schedule.
Here are snippets from the others in the team…
From Jared
We have had another wonderful day at the school. This time we spoke to 10th graders. This time we had to have our words translated more, but the students were very eager to talk to us. We met many wonderful teens and they asked us about why we were here in Ukraine. We told them all about the good works that Dalraida has been leading to help Ukraine. I told them because of our faith we believe we are called to help those who are hurting, and suffering from difficult times. I wish that you could feel the love and the gratitude that we receive when we go and visit the schools. We look forward to go back tomorrow and to share the courage that we all get from Jesus Christ!
From Whitney
I find more things to love about this country every day. I taught a biology class about genetics and ethics which led us into a good discussion about morality and why things are right and wrong. The students are so friendly and so eager to hear anything from us, it is so nice. Just today I have gained about ten new Ukrainian friends on Instagram haha. I also learned that the head biologist at the school is signed up to go to the front lines at any time, even though he has a small child and is exempt due to a knee injury. Hopefully he will not have to go. We wrapped up our classes, rested a little, then we went to a local chocolate shop. It was incredible! After that, we went to Church where there were a lot of people, including someone they have been diligently trying to lead to be a Christian. It was a good day!
From Gif
Our opportunities at the schools have been really positive. We are not allowed to teach “doctrine” but we are allowed to speak about faith, the Church, and the Bible. Our standard set up is that we will speak to the whole class for 45 minutes, take a break, and then for another 45 minutes engage them in individual conversation. In these private conversations, we’re allowed to talk about whatever we want, so I had a long discussion with two of the older kids about what makes the Church of Christ different from other religious groups and was able to stress the importance of following the Bible. We also spoke in one teacher’s class who told us after that his perspective on the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk has significantly changed in the last week based on our time with the kids. We are making a big community impact, and several students and teachers have asked where the Church meets so that they can perhaps visit one day. All has been positive!
We ended the day with Bible study. Gif and Jared taught a class on prayer and led discussions on various aspects of prayer. Tonight’s class was the largest in number thus far!
Continue praying for our efforts! “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way that I ought to proclaim it.” (Colossians 4:2-4)
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (Dalraida Church of Christ, Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109)
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