Trip Report #17–May 1, 2023

Photo: “I met with the senior class, there were several who wanted to know more about the Church and the Bible. A few even exchanged contact information so that we could talk more about the Church.”

As we complete our final days on this mission trip, activities have not slowed. I am currently in Poland and enjoying the congregation here. A special treat was going with Szczepan, Anya and Asia up a mountain for a picnic. While in Poland it is interesting to note that a school building used by Russia since the 1950’s has now been reclaimed by the Polish government. This is a process that has taken some time but now it is settled that Russia had taken the building without proper papers and now must pay back rental. The maneuvers leading to this end are an amazing narrative. The consequences of this action portend even more amazing factors.

The Church here has been basically isolated since the pandemic paralyzed the world. Prior to C-19 panic the congregations would get together, visit and be encouraged. But since the pandemic such gatherings have been sporadic.

As you read the reports below you will see references to tourniquets. This is the most critical need when it comes to first aid triage following Russia’s missile attacks. Thankfully we were able to order some of these to get to the areas where they are most needed. Oleg, a trained paramedic and trainer of citizen first aid classes, knew a source to get these. His contacts are invaluable in getting these distributed.

Read and rejoice in the following reports…

From Whitney

Today we were back at the school and I taught English for the first time. It was an adventure for sure. We talked about America and American phrases, and later we even talked about the Church’s view on homosexuality, which was a very interesting question. Also, they performed two songs and a Ukrainian dance for us.

After that, my translator and I went to a military first aid class taught by my friend Oleg Baserov. He showed how much better USA tourniquets are than the Chinese ones. The Chinese one broke so quickly and it surely wouldn’t have saved the life of the wearer. The USA ones work much better and Oleg was so grateful to us for donating 105 of them to the military. He has packed 1,500 first aid kits for soldiers. The supplies inside have been donated from all over the world, like gauze from Israel, scissors and bandages from France. It was so interesting to see.

One of the girls had to step out because she got very sad. I learned after class that her father died on the front lines two weeks ago.

This war is affecting these people so greatly. Please pray for an end to this war. We then had lunch, went to the church building, walked around the city and then visited with some displaced church members at their home.

From Jared

Today, we went for what we thought would be our last day at the school. I taught three English classes and we can finally say we met almost all of the kids at the school. The students were kind enough to do a dance for us and also sing to us!

It’s been so refreshing to see their love for each other and their appreciation for us being there.

Oleg, one of the teachers and our friend was the one who made this opportunity possible for us to come to the school. He worked hard to convince the board to let us meet with the students while we were here. With his help we have been able to encourage so many students and tell them about the work the church of Christ is doing for their community. Oleg has even described where the church building is so the kids will know!

Tonight, we were invited for dessert at a lovely Christian couple’s home in the city, their names are Vladimir and Oksana Paziy. They are from Kramatorsk, Donetsk Oblast which is near the front lines. They and their Church family have been scattered due to the war and they miss their home. Please pray for this couple and their Church family and pray for them! They are people of great faith and courage.

From Gif

We have now made our rounds through the entire high school and met each of the kids.

I met with the senior class who just got back from a trip; translation was almost totally unnecessary for this group as they have been training in English for their entire schooling and are about to graduate. While the majority of them were mainly interested in just the opportunity to speak English, there were also several who wanted to know more about the Church and the Bible. A few even exchanged contact information so that we could talk more about the Church.

This is a positive move for the Church here as there is a great need for younger people to be involved.

From Perry

Just got back from Zelena! In today’s hectic schedule we first met, at the church building, Vitaly a friend that Ivan knows who has been delivering benevolence items to Christians and hospitals at the front lines. We gave him 20 tourniquets. Then we drove to Lysets and gave Mayor Anatoli 20 tourniquets.

The remainder of the tourniquets are for Oleg who will see they are distributed properly. Then we drove to Zelena and had a full day’s events there.

We met Galena’s brother Peter and had a Bible study. We then went to Bogdan & Galena’s neighbor and gave Luba’s mother Olga a wheelchair. It’s been a long, long time since she’s been outside. We also met Luba’s husband and had a nice visit. Long but wonderful day.

One less day to be here and be involved in wonderful actions. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT that makes these good works possible. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND ENCOURAGING WORDS!

Continue praying for our efforts! “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way that I ought to proclaim it.” (Colossians 4:2-4)

John L. Kachelman, Jr.  

Wrocław, Poland (Dalraida Church of Christ, Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109)

Here are Szczepan and Anya grilling our picnic meal: sausages, cheese, and bread!