Recent news reports have been monopolized with the catastrophic events following Russia’s demolition of the dam in Kherson Oblast, Nova Kakhovka, Ukraine. This action had been feared ever since the beginning of the Russian invasion. The Russians had mined the dam but had not blown the structure. The best explanation is that Russia felt it was going to occupy and make the seized territories a part of the “New Russia.” The destruction of the dam signals that Russia now understands it will not be a forever occupier and so is engaging in a “total war” devastation as it retreats.

“Dear brethren, please, save us! Please, help us as much as you can. There are lot of displaced people from Kherson and they have NOTHING. John, the clothes that you sent have been given away. Thank you for your sympathy, dear brethren in Christ, our Lord!”
Ivan Skoleba
The “total war” philosophy is historically validated and let us not be blind that even in the USA we have experienced it. We see it in Sheridan’s campaign against the Plains Indian tribes, especially the Cheyenne. His standing orders were blunt, “To kill all the warriors, capture all the women and children, destroy all camps and material goods, and kill all the ponies.” Sheridan’s purpose in killing the horses was due to the fact the Cheyenne was a mobilized force and the destruction of the horses was an unrecoverable loss. And then, for those of us in the south who were subjected to this brutal evil, there was Sherman’s “total war” march to the sea. Sherman’s justification was rational in his mind as it devastated and destroyed: “The Yankees are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people; as a result, they needed to make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”
“Total war” is a too common historic evil in civilization (Think back to your world history classes!). In every century, in every conflict, and in every nation this philosophy is documented! And this month we are once again witnessing this strategy as evil depreciates and decimates humanity.
The Nova Kakhovka dam was significant. It provided a hydro-electric plant that fed the surrounding areas. It controlled flooding. It provided a water source for a large population area, even reaching into Crimea! There is no rational explanation for its destruction except the retreat of Russian forces and Putin’s evil design to leave “absolutely nothing” behind.
When news reached the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation, immediate response was seen. The congregation had supplies that were being used to assist those displaced by Russian aggression. The brethren immediately began cooperation with the village Mayor of Mala Kamianka (Maria Skoleba’s brother is the mayor and has joined us in a number of actions) to secure a truck and fill it with critically needed supplies. The truck was quickly loaded and sent to Kherson. We were able to send food that had been shipped (some of the protein bars donated by Medifast), bottled water, medical supplies and other commodities. Because of the shipments that had been sent, the Lord’s Church in Ivano-Frankivsk was prepared to help with an amazing amount. In addition, we were able to send some money to help purchase additional commodities.
Ivan Skoleba Reports on the Kherson Action
Greetings, dear brother John, thank you for the letter. We also have our plate full with all the inspections and the situation in the country. Taxation Dept is requiring a 4-year report on the work. It’s a huge amount of work. Nataly, our accountant, has been slaving over all the papers for a week now. We check everything out together. They steal our time with those inspections. However, we understand why the Tax Police is doing it – too many funds opened up and many steal and scam. Some suffer from the war while others take advantage of it. Thus, these things require a lot of time.
I talked with Eugenia from Kherson two days ago. Tanya gave me her phone number. She told me about the horrible situation there, and what’s needed to help and save people. First of all, they need tents, tourist gas furnaces, powerful pumps (Kercher) to wash inside the houses, mattresses and cots as for now people have to sleep on the ground. And many other household items. I cannot list everything but I think you will know.
Dead human bodies and animals are decaying filling the air with an unbearable suffocating stink so that it becomes more and more difficult to breathe. Water has washed away graves and there are a lot of human remnants floating around. An epidemic can break out any time. Dreadful situation. There’s a dire need of the things that I mentioned above. Besides, we DO need family buckets that you sent before.
Dear brethren, please, save us! Please, help us as much as you can. There are lot of displaced people from Kherson and they have NOTHING. John, the clothes that you sent have been given away. Thank you for your sympathy, dear brethren in Christ, our Lord! Greetings to you family and the church there! With love,
Here are photos of the delivery and distribution that YOU helped make passible.
Please continue praying for our brethren as they continue to be a beacon of God’s grace in a world ruled by darkness. Be constant in prayers thinking of Ivan’s plea, “Dear brethren, please, save us! Please, help us as much as you can. Thank you for your sympathy, dear brethren in Christ, our Lord!”
John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109

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