Update–July 23, 2023

Photo: The blue sky and yellow flowers frame the colors of Ukraine’s flag. The letters say “I love Ukraine.”

I have received a number of communications since I sent out the previous update. I have selected a sampling of these because including all is impossible. Today (Sunday 23 July) I am in northern Alabama and will be reporting to the Church of Christ in Meridianville the amazing success and the open doors of opportunity that the Almighty God has given us!

News From Ivan Skoleba

Good morning, dear brothers and sisters! We are truly thankful to you for your prayers and support of Ukraine—these are so important to us now.


As far as growth of the Church here, the situation at this point is like this – we do all that we can to receive the occupancy certificate so that the Church can move to the new meeting place. The work goes on, but it has been raining heavily these last few days, which has slowed down the work outside. Thus, we work inside now to finish the first floor. 400 people will attend our church building. I trust the Lord and our zealous work in this.

This rainy spell slows us down. We had to install wide gutters on the roof to drain water for it was coming down the walls. We have not had such a rain for a long time, maybe since 2008 when you shipped military aid and the Churches of Christ helped people in rural areas. The Church was applauded as it sent more help than anybody else.  As of today, some roads have been washed out and some bridges in mountain villages have been washed away. But compared to the war, these things are not nearly as dreadful.

We continue working inside the church building. At this point we need to purchase tile for the staircases and bannisters. We are putting tile on the kitchen wall behind the furniture. Work goes on we just cannot do it any faster. We have ordered construction materials, such as cobblestone, sand and gravel. We need a great amount of them. We have put the edge stone in and are compacting the gravel to layer the cobblestone on top of it. We have also purchased iron for fence poles, which will separate the courtyard from the utility/warehouse zone. If rain stops we will bring in new cobblestone and start laying it beginning Monday. We, of course, have far-going plans as far as the use of the new church building. We pray for those plans and do what we can.

We need funds to do the paperwork necessary to receive occupancy permission but that is after all other work is finished. The work is going at a slow pace due to the lack of manpower. All men have been drafted leaving only old and disabled men behind. But we are doing all we can to move in as soon as possible. At this point we are in the process of moving furniture from the office and assembling it in the church building. There is still a good deal of work to do to meet the inspection requirements. Big we give thanks to all dear brothers and sisters for financial support that has brought us this far!

Because it has been raining heavily recently, the mountain streams are full and there is a flood threat. Preventive works are being done to protect buildings and water/power/gas lines. As for the South and East of Ukraine, temperatures there have been in 30’s C. People stay in apartments without a/c, medical personnel work from early morning for a few hours to avoid the heat using wipes and drinking water.

Impacts from the War

Daily I receive communications on various aspects of our supported actions. Ivan sends this summary of recent activities in which the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk has participated.

We did buy and give the tourniquets to the military. The medics use the majority of these for civilians who are victims of Russian rockets and bombs that come daily. The medics also asked for medicines—pain-relievers and cold medicines. Besides, we gave water filters to military and civilians. All of them are grateful for such help. Water filters came from American Christians via Volodya Paziy.

Big thanks to American brethren for help—these are the words of gratitude coming to you from Kherson, Kharkov and Zaporizhia, where people were victimized by the war waged by the Russian aggressor.

Russians continue destroying our nation. It seems that evil impersonated by Putin and his allies, is trying to scare and prove to the whole world that they can go unpunished. But we, Christians, know that it will not happen. Lord is more powerful and the truth will win!

Yesterday a warning air raid alarm went off twice. The psychological atmosphere here has become severe after the recent events in Lviv. We are constantly on the watch for shelling. Military aircraft are continually airborne protecting the city.  Politicians do not say the truth but everything speaks for a long-running war. We trust the Lord for He is our only hope and shield. Daily we help the members of the Church and displaced people who come for help.

There have been several air attacks on Lviv, and the number of deaths is still growing from 10 and up since not all the bodies have been found yet and 40 people living in that area have been wounded. Lviv is the farthest Western city of Ukraine, far from the front-line and outside the warzone.

War in the South and East continues slowly moving forward. Ukraine announces the escalation of the situation. The military claim that they have broken through the defense line in some areas while there are other areas with powerful defense where they have not been able to do so.

The Nuclear Power station has caused a lot of worries recently. There have been numerous inspections on the part of World Nuclear Association. It is interesting that for some time the 5th of July was estimated to be the date of the destruction. The day came and went and now they say that even if it had been blown up there would have been only local pollution. So much is going on and there is absolutely no confidence in reports so security is fragile.

We have a little repose from shelling yesterday but, today, there came a few drones to some cities such as Zaporizhia. Even though the drones were fought off, some fragments hit a building, which resulted in 6 deaths and 3 people were wounded. More missiles came to other cities, and Kyiv in particular. This is a constant threat. Yesterday, there was a missile attack launched on grain terminals in Odesa. Shipments of grain stopped, since Russia has not expanded the safe shipping agreement claiming that grain supplies from Ukraine spoil the market. Russians targeted the shelling of grain terminals is another step to halt grain shipments. Thankfully, they missed the mark and instead of the terminal hit an administrative building.

Two very large missiles hit Orekhiv today but none of them exploded, however, they made a huge hole. Orekhiv was a small southern town not far from Zaporizhia. It was shelled so bad that there is almost nothing left there anymore but it still is a target for missiles. 

Ukrainian troops fighting for Bakhmut say that the city occupied by Russians but at this point is facing an onslaught from three sides and the fourth is being monitored. This situation is very much alike the one preceding the liberation of Kherson from the invaders.

So, the war is going on and Ukrainian troops say that Ukraine has taken the lead on the ground. But there is still a war in the air, which is a constant threat. Ukraine encourages people to be patient and says the war is expected to last till 2024.

The Russian’s have weaponized the abduction of Children to leverage Ukrainians to stop opposition. This has occurred ever since 2014 when Luhansk and Donetsk were invaded. You can go back in the report history and review those anxious times when we were forced to mobilized and rescue hundreds of children from the Russians. Recently the public was given a story that highlights this devilish action.

As you know from briefings, on July 6, two children that had been kidnapped by Russia, were brought back to Ukraine. They were in a group of POWs returned to Ukraine. That was news from the War Captives Coordinating Headquarters so it is public. Their mother is a military doctor and was freed from Russian captivity in October 2022 but Russians kept the children. The Head of the Headquarters said this on Telegram today, “Today we are bringing back 2 children that were abducted and taken to Russia – a 6-year-old Renat and 10-year-old Varvara. Their mother, a battlefield doctor, was released during the big POW exchange in October 2022. For a long time, she and her husband were waiting for their kids whom Russia illegally deported trying to hush up the abduction.” Now that this has been reported it is on internet for all to read. The system of education in the occupied areas is aimed to change children’s identity and teach how evil Ukraine is and what a great nation Russia is—they change history to suit their doctrine.

We pray to God asking Him to put an end to this nightmare as soon as possible. Brethren, please, do not stop praying. Thank you for unity. We have strength and victory in the Lord.

With love, respect and gratitude for prayers and support,  Ivan and Svitlana 

Benevolent Assistance Plea

Good afternoon, dear brother John, this letter was sent from the Yaremche City Hall with a request for help. Now there are many wounded and refugees. The hospital needs help. Andrii Ivanovych is asking you if you could help submit this request to a government agency in the United States. And is there a possibility of such assistance at the state level, or at the state level? Thank you, best regards, Ivan.

Denis Sopelnik sends this good report of recent actions

Dear brothers and sisters, I’d like to share with you the latest news from Ukraine. In the end of June there was a wonderful family camp Americraine in Lviv. The team led by Jeff Abrams came from the States and a lot of Ukrainian brothers and sisters joined. It was an excellent time for fellowship, encouragement and studies of the Word of God. During the camp there were a few baptisms.

In the beginning of July brother Konstantin and I went to Kramatorsk. This was our 4th trip to the city that is constantly hit by artillery missiles. God blessed us with the safe trip and we delivered the humanitarian aid to the people of the city and the Church.

Our students are having the time of evangelical practice. Vyacheslav, Victoria and Alexander had it in Chernivtsy in June. They had children’s camp, prepared the Bible lessons, took part in the worship service and helped out the local congregation.

We made an important decision about the work of the Bible Institute for the next school year. The studies will be virtual, in online format. The reason is that the most Instructors won’t be able to travel to teach in the classroom. Some of our Instructors left the country and live abroad, some are serving in the Military Forces of Ukraine. Due to this reason we will need help of our American Instructors during the hard time. We have six students who want to join the program. I ask for prayers on their behalf.

The general situation in the country remains challenging, the war goes on, people lose their lives daily. The number of refugees who lost their homes is on the rise. We are trying to help the needy when we can. The Church in Bela Tserkva has some good experience ministering to the internally displaced people.

May God keep you! Thank you for your love, support and willingness to help us. Your brother and the Director of the Bible Institute,

Dennis Sopelnik

Chernihiv, Ukraine

Brother Washington Johnson recently sent out this good report on a newly established congregation in Chernihiv. I think you will find joy in the news!

My local congregation (here in Cummings, Georgia) is supporting a new work in Chernihiv. Here is the latest regarding those on the ground leading the work.

“Dima Shupishov was taken into the Ukrainian military several weeks ago, leaving no one to work full time in getting the Chernihiv church up and running. (By the way, he is still in training, but will be assigned within the next few weeks.) Dima’s brother, Sergey, along with others, has been carrying on the effort in Chernihiv, as well as his own work in Irpen. But Oleg and Tatiana Pavlenko have agreed to move to Chernihiv and preach the gospel there. The move is planned for August 1. Oleg and Tatiana both attended the Ukrainian Bible Institute (2017), and have been Christians for 20 years. Oleg is a capable preacher and Tatiana is a trained counselor. She will be giving up a counselling position in Poland to make this move. We are very thankful that God has provided this couple to step in to the vacancy left by Dima, as there seems to be great potential for a strong body of believers in Chernihiv. Please be praying that they will have a successful ministry there, and for the effectiveness of the gospel in reaching more people.”

I have also attached the June 2023 newsletter received earlier today. Please feel free to share as you deem appropriate and necessary. Blessings, Washington Johnson


Snippets of daily communications…

Odesa: “Good afternoon, dear friend! We didn’t have a peaceful night; our city was attacked with rockets. We continue to help people as much as possible. Thank you very much for your support and prayers!”

Lviv: “Dear Mr. John, I am glad to welcome you, I went to rehabilitation, but I continue to work, because it is impossible otherwise. We have accepted your proposal to provide us with humanitarian aid as soup preservatives. Charita provided primary information on the amount of lentil soups. Direct electronic and telephone communication is conducted on our part by P. Igor M. you remember him well from the first audio conference and from meetings in Lviv…Once again, I apologize for our financial weakness and are grateful for churches of Christ big heart in sending this critical aid. During the negotiations between Igor P and Charita, he realized that you have formed humanitarian cargo that coincides with our nation’s urgent needs. Tell me, do you plan to come to Ukraine in the second half of this year, because, you know, eye-to-eye communication will not replace letters, although this is very important. Hugs, congratulations from partners. Sincerely, Nicholas.

THANK YOU for your continued support of relief efforts in Ukraine. We are still pleading for FAMILYBUCKETS to be collected so we can immediately transport these into Ukraine. We have a number of encouraging reports on actions in various locations as brethren try to get more buckets.

We have offerings of food, clothing, medical supplies and medical equipment to ship. But there is a financial hurdle in shipping and delivery costs that is facing us. If you can help please send donations to the Dalraida Church of Christ. You can do that by snail-mail (see address below) or you can donate online at https://givingtools.com/give/1297/3739

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), Montgomery, AL 36109

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