Update–August 7, 2023

PHOTO: A bucket packing party from the Dalraida Church of Christ packed, labeled, closed and palatized FIFTY buckets in THIRTY minutes!

Two texts come to my mind as I consider the horrible plight of those suffering from the war in Ukraine (and these thoughts also apply to suffering throughout the world). The first text (John 9:2, “His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?”) reveals the pagan philosophy that when one offends the gods, then he will be subjected to the wrath of the gods (this explanation was not erased when Christianity overtook paganism, but it is even prevalent today as the sufferer asks, “What did I do to make God angry at me?”). The second, Romans 8:18, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” This text realistically focuses upon the fact that suffering is inherent in earthly living (John 16:33), but faith in Christ and obedience to His commands blesses those who suffer, if not here then hereafter!

This contrast is readily seen in the current war in Ukraine. Some claim the Russian invasion and horrors are “God’s punishment upon a nation that has rejected Him.” I reject that suggestion and view it as the eternal struggle between God and Satan where the eternal destiny of souls is challenged. In this struggle we have the opportunity to assist those brutalized by evil as we offer relief items from a compassionate concern. In doing so, we will find opportunities for heralding the good news of God’s compassion in the spiritual war.

We continue focused on the mission’s emphasis. Read excerpts from the most recent communications from Ukraine and rejoice in the good being done as the brotherhood continues to rise up and assist the suffering. The message is simple, “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us”!

Family Buckets URGENTLY needed!

We continue to receive daily communication pleading for more Family Buckets. These are given by the Lord’s Church to those displaced by the evils of war. It is amazing that a plastic bucket, filled with items we take for granted, can have such an impact. Through the Family Buckets the Lord’s Church has received an amazing recognition and the Name of the Lord’s Church has reached unforeseen locations—EVEN in Russia! Recently the Dalraida Church of Christ had a bucket stuffing and we fully stuffed, labeled, and closed FIFTY buckets in THIRTY minutes!

Ivan’s Report

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Glory to God! We have lived through another month by God’s grace. Big thanks to you for prayers. Your prayers are so powerful as they sustain us in our ministry to God and our evangelistic efforts to share the good news of salvation with people around us.

We have moved to the new church building this month. It is a joyful event to all of us. Now we feel safe. Our church building is outside the city and has a bomb shelter which we can use when air raid alert is on.

We continue assembling on Sundays and studying the Bible on Wednesdays. Those that have cars go to the new location by car, as for those that don’t have cars, our church bus takes them there. We have individual Bible classes with men and women. Besides, Svitlana and I go to the village of Zelena twice a month and have worship with the brethren there.

Every time displaced persons come, we do our best to help them and always tell them about salvation. This month, we have met a family from Kharkov. They moved to Yaremche where Major Andrew Ivanovych’s office provided shelter for them. The mother’s name is Viktoria. She is a lawyer, an attorney. She hopes with all her heart for victory to come soon and dreams about returning home. They are very nice people, open to the Bible and believe in God. Once they received Bibles from us, they started reading and asking questions. Please pray for this family as we continue helping them.

A constant crowd of different people come to us asking for clothes, food or medicines, some are not interested in God and biblical faith. But Sveta and I try to treat everybody with understanding, love and patience realizing that these people are traumatized and many lost their families, relatives, and all their possessions. In such a state people need just sympathy and encouragement first then, we pray, they will open to study suggestions. It is hard for those not involved in the destruction of this nation to understand what these people have been through. The reality is really difficult because life without God turns people into animals. And the horrors of such cannot be written in this report. We understand how much soul-saving work there is for churches of Christ especially now.

Regarding the autumn mission trip, I can surely say we are happy to know the dates that you will be in Ukraine. You have suggested a great plan as there are men that want to study the Bible and Gif will be a good teacher. We are thankful Chip has arranged for more official flags that can be used as gifts. We will give American flags to the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk and to the college in Ugornyky, which will add to our credibility in dealing with them. Let us keep one of the Alabama State flags in our new church building so that everybody will know about our partnership. I need more information about the trip and your wishes. We are looking forward to having you here and are excited that brother Perry is returning. We will do many great things for the Lord and He will bless our efforts. The college in Ugorniky is looking forward to seeing you and there are gifts waiting for you there. Unfortunately, this is our tradition.

Once again, big thanks to you, dear brothers and sisters, for your prayers and support. Please, continue praying for this country and for us. We love you. May God protect you. Be watchful of yourselves and your families for the days of our lives fly. See you soon,

Ivan & Svetlana

Ruslan’s Greetings

Greetings Everybody! Another month is gone. Many different things have happened during this past months’ time. We were asked to leave the rental room by the city’s white house and we have been moving out little by little and all is finished.

During this month a lot of work has been done on the front yard of the church meeting place. It has progressed very well and you would not recognize it! We thank God for it.

On Wednesdays, we study the Word of God and have come to the Book of Judges. We pay attention to practical application of the Old Testament and relations between God and His people nowadays; what concerned only Israel and what is relevant to us in the 21st century.

We rejoice that we could share some humanitarian aid with Odesa through Tanya. This is with a group that John and Tanya have worked with many years. This opportunity gives Church another way to be good influence. Thankfully money was available that could pay expenses for a truck to take some of the physical therapy items and other supplies to Odesa. They are desperately needed by those staying in villages and wounded on the frontlines. The things that were shared were needed there badly as they are helping all those displaced by war. We thank God for this opportunity and you for shipping these items to us. We also thank God that our area has been more or less quiet. We also continue sharing the supplies that you ship with those in need in neighboring towns. We also sent a load of supplies to Bogorodchany. This is a town on the way to Yaremche. It is located close and is as soon as we get out of Ivano-Frankivsk. We pray for you and thank you for your support which is vital at this horrible and difficult time. May God bless you for your commitment to Him, your service and concern.


A plea for medical teaching tools

Does anyone have access to these medical mannequins that can be donated??

Dear friend, I hope you are doing well! We have rockets hitting Odessa at night for a week. Much destroyed. A ruined church in the very center of the city. To teach “First Aid” courses, we need mannequins, teaching materials for various medical specialties. If you have the opportunity to transfer for us. This will help us a lot. We are very grateful for your help and support! Sincerely,

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alireza Pakhlevanzade!


John L. Kachelman, Jr, Dalraida Church of Christ, Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), 3740 Atlanta Highway (physical address), Montgomery, AL 36109