Chase Park Church of Christ is a collection site in north Alabama! NEW DATE LOADING LATE OCTOBER!!!

Photo: Chase Park Church of Christ in Huntsville, AL loaded a container last May. Here are some photographed at the end of May’s load.

Chase Park Church of Christ will be a collection point and loading site for North Alabama and Middle Tennessee!

Will Tucker sent this message…“Hey John, the Elders said we are good to go for Chase Park doing the buckets and being a collection hub.”

We will schedule a container loading in LATE OCTOBER from this location!

I am sending an urgent plea asking those in north Alabama to assist in filling this container. We had a great response from congregations, individuals, civic group, schools and businesses in the early Ukraine relief efforts. There is a great need that continues because of the Russian invasion. Another wave of displaced citizens is flooding into the west and waiting to cross the borders of neighboring nations. Ivan Skoleba reported: “Once again many are trying to leave the bombings and are traveling west. There are long lines of women, children and elderly people at the border. People are out there in 30-degree Celsius heat. Some faint, some suffer strokes and ambulances take them to hospitals.”

Please help so we can offer these relief items in the Name of the Lord! Please energize those around you and help collect, package and deliver the relief items to the Chase Park Church of Christ. Will Tucker is the POC ( You can contact either him or me (

We are URGENTLY seeking these commodities:

  • FAMILY BUCKETS See the post:
  • Clothing (in very good condition) – especially winter weight clothing
  • Shoes (in VERY good condition; clean; with laces)
  • Household Items (useable pots, pans, dishes)
  • Linens (good condition bed linens, bath linens)
  • Personal Hygiene items
  • School supplies

Begin NOW collecting these items and get them to Chase Park!

THANK YOU TO: Wetumpka Church of Christ Youth Group!

Sunday August 13, Rob Baker brought 30+ to work in the Montgomery warehouse. Items for the next container going to Ukraine were sorted, packed, cleaned, and labeled. Too bad you cannot hear the audio from this work session. Those present were WONDERFUL! The warehouse was filled with laughter as they worked on the tasks. This group was fantastic as they reflected the love of the Lord in their actions and the wonderful parental guidance that trained them! They worked so well they finished all tasks in HALF the time that had been allocated.

Wetumpka Youth illustrates very well the text: “(R)evealing yourselves, that you are a letter of Christ written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts”
(2 Corinthians 3:3).

THANK YOU, Wetumpka brethren!!

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109