PHOTO: Reports are regularly received validating the distribution of supplies sent. This is a village that had not received any relief supplies since the invasion began. Almost every structure in the village had damage and some were totally destroyed. Since February 28, 2022 there has been no electricity and no water. Our trucks were the first to bring desperately needed supplies. The grandmother and granddaughter epitomize the hopelessness that evil brings to humanity.
Our efforts continue as we have already loaded a number of containers and some containers are currently on the water while other containers have arrived. Charita continues busily arranging loading and fielding offers of supplies to ship. Tanya continues busily arranging delivery and reporting from Poland and Ukraine. This week Tanya has paid three delivery drivers that transported supplies from Poland into Ukraine. Added to the efforts of these two are the energies of countless brethren Stateside!
Here are photos of delivery…
The collection site in NORTH ALABAMA is the Chase Park Church of Christ in Huntsville. WILL TUCKER is coordinating efforts from that location. They plan to load a container at the end of September. They need Family Buckets, good winter weight clothing in 13-gallon bags, HALF FILLED, so it can be sued to stuff any voids. There is also a need for good used shoes, school supplies, and household items. All items donated need to be in very good condition and packed tightly in taped boxes that are labeled on at least three sides!
Emphasizing the urgency of these shipments is communication I have received this week.
In communications with Tanya regarding shipments and the distribution protocols, I read this disturbing message…
Hi! Ivan told me that there are some villages and small towns in the Kharkiv region where people don’t have anything to eat and eat whatever they can find—cats, dogs, and even rats! These are places hard to get to and not many volunteers know about them, can get there or have arrangements to do anything. We have access because there’s this girl that is now associated with the Ivano-Frankivsk Church of Christ. The Church in Ivano-Frankivsk is collecting funds so I’m thinking about wiring some. I’ll probably wire around $350 from the amount I have. Do we want to add more to that amount? Have a great day overflowing with blessings, smiles and good feelings! T
I followed up this by asking Ivan to give me some further details. He replied…with the subject line: “Допомога!” (Help!)
Greetings, brother John. At this point the church in Ivano-Frankivsk is raising funds to help the disabled and the elderly who have not been able to leave the war zone. They were not able to move out due to their health issues or because they did not have family to help them move out. All of these people have been under overlapping crossfire in the areas where it is next to impossible for volunteers to get to. But the Lord has helped us find an option. We have worked with this girl by the name of “N” for over a year. Her mother lives in one of those villages and the troops let “N” go there and take food to those who are left in that zone. The situation there is horrible—there is no water or food. It is so bad that people had to eat rodents (rats) to survive. We sent them water and food earlier and plan to send more from the containers that you just loaded. We cannot take big trucks because Russia will destroy them. All has to be sent in small vehicles. We can take the dry foods but there are no perishables available to these places. If some brethren there can help raise funds to buy such perishables for them, we’d appreciate it very much and will take the food to the places with living people. They live in damaged houses and try to make the best out of what they have left. But winter is coming, and they are in need of so many things as well as heating to be able to survive. We are doing all we can and use every minute being busy. Please, continue praying on our behalf asking the Lord to extend Him mercy and end this war. Thank you! We love you. May God keep you and your country safe.
Construction update…
Greetings, dear brother John. We continue working on the courtyard of the church building. Today we’ve made a concrete reservoir for water with the capacity of 5 cubic meters in accordance with the fire requirements. We have also received the second set of cobble stone to finish up the laying of the cobble stone. Now we can submit our application for occupancy. The procedure takes two to three weeks. Our turn will be next Wednesday. Upon receiving the occupancy certificate, we will pay half the current price of electric power. We would like to have it all done before you come.
Big thanks to you and all the brethren for helping us with construction. We have pre-paid for the documents. Now we are making sure that all the requirements are met. The inspection will take place in three weeks and then all the papers will be signed. We are very happy and sending BIG thanks to all of you! When you and the other guys come, we will celebrate the initiation of the new church building. I would like to have the names of all donors to make a plaque with their names and put it in the building. What do you think? Please, let me know your thoughts. Big, big thanks! Ivan, your brother in Christ
Loading Holly Springs, MS! Coordinated by Jerry Max Morgan, Jerry Moore, and Kathy Cadden

Good late Sunday evening, John. I’m emailing you to provide some pictures for Project 391 – July 18 Holly Springs. You may already have these pictures and inventory, as you were on the Dropbox access for this load, but I wanted to make sure, because this one went to Ivano-Frankivsk. I always provide our donors who pay for each container pictures of arrival and unload so they’ll know it got there. I’m hoping you can help with that when the time comes. If so, it would be much appreciated. This load had 34,000+lbs. (the heaviest load we’ve ever done) full of great items (including food).
Kathy and I are going to do another load together from Holly Springs (Project 398) the first week of September. It is ready to go. I will send pics of that one, as well, as it’s going to Ivano-Frankivsk. My plan after that is to send a general container of our typical clothing/shoes/bedding and then in October to send a container full of sleeping bags. We began asking our supporters last week about sleeping bags and have already collected 300. When our newsletter goes out next week, I feel that will grow quickly and it won’t be a problem getting the inventory. Charita says she would like it to go to a specific area, but I can’t remember which area she said.
Our warehouse stays quite full, so we have to get shipments out as quickly as we can. The churches represented in the group pic for Project 391 are Steens, Holly Springs, Great Oaks (Memphis), Beech Hill (Ripley) and Somerville (TN).
As we continue our efforts, we do become discouraged with the enormity of the task before us. We do become irritated at the how politics manipulate the suffering of others so it can advance its prestige. We do become stressed at the many opportunities but the few resources for funding. BUT, we press on—no retreat, no lessening commitment, no resting in the satisfaction on what we “have” done! We remain tenacious. As each day ends we are exhausted but after a night’s sleep we are renewed and pressing onward!
The fall mission trip planning
Greetings to you, brother John, and to all brothers and sisters. Thank you for your prayers. We saw the pics in John’s report and the work you do on behalf of the Lord’s Church is great and sacrificial. We rejoice in being a part of this work. The Church here is sending their love, greetings and big thanks for your support.
We have had our first men’s meeting in the new church building where we discussed our working plans. We planned our meeting with you on September 17. We look forward to seeing you. We need a piece of mind from you as far as evangelism in the city and region. Besides, we have men who need to be taught the Bible to, so we look forward to having Gif here. At this point we do not have exact times and dates of meetings. We have frequent air raid warnings. We have to consider this as well as martial law—all which can throw a wrench in our plans.
All groups would like to see you. Especially are military thankful for help and in attention for your visit. They have made some repairs and look forward to seeing you. They are very thankful for the materials sent to assist those citizens in great need. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely Yours in Christ, Ivan
The images of those receiving the supplies sent by the Lord’s Church are indelibly etched into our souls.
THANK YOU to all who continue to fund and offer support in this mission. Rest assured that the words spoken to Habakkuk so long ago, echo in our ears, “I am accomplishing a work in your days—You would not believe it even if you were told!” (1:5). John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109

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