Fall Trip Report #3

After arriving in Warsaw, we went to visit a young man named Volodya. Readers of this blog will remember Volodya. He was beaten up by a gang in Ivano-Frankivsk years ago. After they finished beating him, they threw him down the stairwell. He suffered paralysis and brain damage. He lived with his grandmother in Ivano-Frankivsk. Through the Church’s benevolence program, we came in contact with Volodya and his grandmother. Andrew and Marina began visiting and studying with Volodya and he was eventually immersed. On a mission trip years ago Andrew took Chip to visit Volodya and they instantly connected and have continued communication ever since. When Russia invaded, Volodya was evacuated to Poland. Since his evacuation, we have continued contact with him and Chip has been the main contact. As we were transiting Warsaw, Chip wanted to visit Volodya. So after the 18 hour plane ride, we checked in to the hotel, stuffed down some food and went to visit Volodya. It was a good visit and very rewarding.

Perry’s take on the visit…

We checked into our hotel and after a brief rest visited Vola and his mother that Chip had made contact with. She was a gracious host serving us a verity or delightful treats. Vola is doing well but is in need of orthopedic shoes. We had a wonderful visit. I was blessed last year to meet Vola in Ivano-Frankivsk where his grandmother took care of him. It got too hard for her so he went to Warsaw and now his mom takes care of him.

Chip’s thoughts…

The whole 3-member mission team stopped by to visit Volodya and his mother after we were settled in at our hotel in Warsaw Poland after we arrived yesterday.  It was a blessing to see him and the team enjoyed the hospitality refreshments his mom prepared.

This was a wonderful way to begin our efforts. It took the afternoon and the three of us were all about to fall out from jet lag.

We are one day into the jet lag fog! Some communication is returning to normal…

GREAT NEWS…today we loaded a container from Ft. Smith, AR that was crammed with medical supplies. Among the gems in this container are two blood circulating machines that are used in surgery. There are a number of other critical pieces of equipment and supplies that are desperately needed. We are also sending food into those areas where no supplies have been distributed. Amazing stories are surfacing about the efforts required and the sacrifices being made to assist those in great need.

Keep checking this site because we hope we will have time and opportunity for daily updates! Perry & Chip are doing great in sending reports so I can post them on this site. Many are reading these and from the email responses I am receiving, all are joined together in our efforts to glorify God and herald the good news!

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine