Photo: Wednesday night we assembled with the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk.
We arrived late and had a fitful night’s sleep in the wake of jet-lag—only 1-2 more days of that and then hopefully we return to our “normal.” 😊
Ivan had scheduled a full day for us and that would be good as being busy and staying active helps combat jet-lag the best. Our first meeting was to be with the Mayor and others in Yaremche. Unfortunately, Mayor Andrew called saying an urgent issue had arisen and he had to cancel. The secondary plan was to go to the Church building and inspect the construction progress. The building is coming along very well. Ivan says the inspectors have come and were satisfied with the work and they are working on the documents. While we have occupancy now, once the final documents are recorded the occupancy will become official. I wish all who have donated to this work could see the good results!
We met with the Church for Bible Study and I was asked to teach the class. The lesson was on “How the Holy Spirit speaks to man today.” There was a good crowd present and I was delighted to see Oleg present! He is a good, compassionate man.
Perry’s Thoughts…
We had breakfast at seven and made plans for the day starting with going to Yaremche to meet Andrew the mayor and then back to look at the progress of the church building since our April trip. Unfortunately, Andrew called and had to postpone our visit until Thursday. We went to the church building and were very impressed with the work that is being done on the grounds! There is a new entrance to the building, the paving stone driveway completed, water retention built, landscaping in progress and the play area for the children. The handicap ramp is completed and the steps and landing at the main entrance are tiled. The kitchen, and two classes are almost completed and the city inspector is pleased with the progress and gave the church the OK to move into the building as he prepares the papers for permanent occupancy.
It was so wonderful to see our Ukrainian brothers and sisters again at Bible study as well as new members. What was most exciting is that Oleg came for the first time. We met him this spring and he arranged for Giff, Jared and Whitney to teach at the High School in Ugorniky. John taught the Bible class. Following class, we had refreshments and enjoyed visiting.
Chip’s Thoughts
Well today unexpectedly changed the original plan to go to Yaremche. Guess you can call it an early dry run to prepare for tomorrow when we will be going to Yaremche. Flexibility is the watchword if you go on a mission trip as things can be very fluid during your day. We attended Wednesday evening service and it was a pure joy to recognize and greet Sveta, Ruslan, Anya, Vova, Julia, Inna, and Ivan.
When I had the privilege to come 4 years ago I was kind-of a tag along worker. This time it is so much better to recognize and already have a relationship with our Ukraine brothers and sisters in Christ. I know it will be a productive trip for the Lord’s work here in the Ukraine this time around. Please keep praying for our safety and security as well as may we be part of the water to help grow the seeds that have been and are being sown in His name here in the Ukraine! Dobre Diem!
Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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