Our efforts are shifting into high gear so reports may not be as regular as they have been. The news and events are hitting fast and furious! Things are going very well. I have arrived in Lviv where I will have on-going meetings with various groups. Perry and Chip remain in Ivano-Frankivsk and their schedules are getting slammed as well—they need to be in different locations at the same time but the locations are about 2 hours apart! I am waiting for Gif to arrive from Warsaw and then he gets into the mix as well! It is good!!
Here is a report on our visit to two medical institutions that we have helped. Their gratitude is very well expressed in their tender words and tear-filled eyes.
One of the amazing things we found out in the discussion with the Doctor is a reconstructive procedure being used on the wounded. The Regional Hospital is using bone grafts from different sections of the patient to help replace bones lost in the war’s traumas…hands, fingers, legs, etc. He described one instance where ordinance had blown a hole in the hand of a person. They took a 3D image of the remaining hand, reversed it and then grafted bone into the hole and the skin grew over it. On other traumas they had extended the fingers that had been destroyed. It was good to look through the supply shelving and see disposable medical supplies that we have sent to this orthopedic department.

The second half of the day was spent at a first aid training station. Those working there had just returned from the frontline where they had given basic triage instruction. In appreciation for our efforts they gave us one of their chevrons.
Photo: Two of the Chevrons presented to us
Chip’s Thoughts
Monday began as usual arising @6:15am and breakfast @7:00pm. We had a plan from last night but as I said earlier flexibility is a required talent! We had planned to attend some military officials and also go to Lysets but as our scheduled time to leave arrived we found out we would be visiting a hospital instead. We arrived and went into the hospital and were met by Doctor V. Ivanovych head of the Endoscopic department and received a tour of his section. We had sent some durable medical equipment as well as soft good supplies to this hospital and saw it being put to use. Of course, they can always use more and even some newer models of the diagnostic equipment. We ended sharing coffee in the Doctor’s office.
We then returned to our hotel to wait for another event planned at 3pm. At 3:30pm we left the hotel and traveled to what we were told was a First Aid “Clinic.” It turned out to be a facility to train first responders/EMTs and Emergency Doctors to handle trauma and immediate care medical treatment. We were shown several areas where different training takes place. They showed us some of the equipment they had received from our container shipments as well as soft good, exam gloves, masks, IV stuff, etc.
We thanked them for the tour and had a prayer for them and their programs continued success. This ended the 2nd day of our 2nd week. Please keep those prayers going for our success for all who have supported this Ministry!
Perry’s Thoughts…
This morning we visited a hospital in Ivano-Frankivsk and were introduced to Doctor Vitalie the head of his department. He gave us a tour of various procedural rooms, operation room, recovery rooms and in each of these rooms he would point out the medical equipment given by the Church. Vitalie, on behalf of the entire hospital staff, thanked the Church for all the equipment and humanitarian aid the Church has provided. He told us that in this hospital were a large number of injured soldiers, but could not give the number. What I found very impressive is the use of 3D technology for reconstructive surgery. Following the tour, we went to his office for refreshments. John presented Vatalie with the Alabama coin.
In the afternoon Ruslan took us to the EMT, First Aid, CPR training building that has a lot of equipment, supplies and humanitarian aid provided from the church via donations from Dalriada and many other sources in the USA. Doctor Marianna and two other instructors, who just returned from training soldiers that were headed to the front lines, graciously greeted us and showed us around the facility explaining what the requirements are in order to receive a Certificate of Training. We were presented with their insignia patch just before leaving in gratitude for what the is doing for them and their community in Ivano-Frankivsk. Each visit we have made is encouraging because the seed is being planted and questions are asked! What is the church of Christ? Why do you help the Ukrainian people? You ask for nothing in return? Lord willing this will lead to many Bible studies and the increase of God’s Kingdom.
Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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