Photo: Chip and Perry visited Volodya’s grandmother. See Chip’s report below.
This has been a long day but very good, maybe the best day of this trip thus far. Today we were in the van going to a meeting location (me, Gif, Tanya and the driver Valery). Ever since Russia invaded and military operations have been on-going, I have used Valery as my driver for a number of trips. He was assigned to me as dependable and a positive asset. I have been nothing but impressed with him and a close friendship has developed. Once he picked up Gif from the Warsaw airport and brought him to Ivano-Frankivsk where he deposited Gif and picked up me and Tanya. He has seen us in action several times and has always covered my “6” and I cannot think of anyone I would rather have in that position!
Valery is a quiet man but is constantly listening and processing. I like that in a person. When I need to know a situation, I can turn to Valery. When Valery and Tanya think I need to know of a situation they discuss the best way to suggests it to me for action (but they think I am unaware of this so do not tell them).
Valery, Tanya and I have driven thousands of kilometers, and often Valery quietly drives while Tanya and I handled phone calls discussing a wide range of actions. It is not uncommon that during driving times, he respectfully asks if he could ask a question and we have discussed many religious things as he drove me through the country.
Yesterday we met Valery and went to several stops and then early this morning he was the customary 5-10minutes early “on time” to pick us up for today’s ride. As we drove along he turned and started talking in a serious manner.
He says he has seen what we are doing and it is very good and he wants to be a member of such a Church that is so different from others.
He began a rapid string of sincere searching questions: “I want to become a member of the Church of Christ and need to ask some questions. Do you ever have anyone telling you they want to be a member of the Church of Christ? What happens? How does one go about becoming a member? What questions will be asked? Is there a series of catechisms that must be learned? I have friends who say that once you become a Christian you must give everything to the Church. Is this true? If someone comes to you and says they want to become a member, what do you tell them? I want to be immersed but I need to know some things. Here immersions occur only when there are many to be immersed and a large crowd gathers so how often do immersions occur in the Church of Christ? I have looked at some Churches and am not sure I want to be immersed in them because they do things that make me feel uncomfortable. I want to be immersed in the Church where I will worship, so does this mean I have to go to US? What all must I do in order to be immersed in Church of Christ? What kind of order do Churches of Christ follow and is there a Mother Church? Who are the subordinates in the Church of Christ and is there a proving period to membership?”
Tanya replied to several of the questions as she easily identified with Valery’s struggles as she walked that same road many years ago! She was able to supply many other biblical texts and thoughts in the discussion.
This was an amazing and enjoyable conversation. I instantly thought of the Ethiopian in Acts 8 and the uncanny similarities in that narrative and with our vanload rolling down some road in Ukraine’s countryside (and Gif also said he instantly thought of the same text). And so, I told him the Acts 8 narrative thinking how the Scriptures indeed supply every need in spiritual matters!
When we first met on this trip, Valery told me he had decided to leave the Orthodox Church and has been visiting different Churches. He says he has decided to be just a Christian and not Orthodox. He has even attended a Muslim group. But he says he has concerns with all as he has been evaluating them by the things he has observed with us. He was troubled by what he has seen in the religious world and feels lost without any direction for satisfaction (frame that in the Ethiopian’s consequential “going on his way rejoicing”). He says all say they follow the Scriptures but that is confusing and magnifies doubt as they are all different so how can all be following the Scriptures. He says he truly believes in Jesus as the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, but he does not know what to do. He is searching and says his boxing instructor has started a private Bible study group in Odesa and he attends but his search is not satisfied.
What a wonderful day and delightful conversation! I am positive more is to develop!
Chip’s Thoughts
I awoke to a beautifully blessed sunny day here in Ivano-Frankivsk. Perry and I met for breakfast at 8am. There is some kind of medical conference at the hotel and there is a huge crowd.
Today our plan was to visit Volodya’s grandmother who took care of him in Ivano-Frankivsk. Here name is Galina and I met her four years ago when I met Volodya. She is still rather frail but full of kind spirit! On the way to her home we stopped at a grocery store and bought a few items for her as a benevolence gift from my supporters.
We arrived and walked up five flights of stairs. She warmly greeted us and we spent over 30 minutes visiting. She told us that she had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and was taking meds.
I sat in same spot that I had sat in four years ago and many memories flooded back to meeting her and Volodya.
I hope my words in all these reports give you a sense and feeling of everyone I meet. I always look them straight in the face and see the pain, concern, love, and desire for peace in the world. I pray God hears their cries and will move his powerful hand of providence over this land and bring joy of peace.
I encouraged Galina to try and attend the Church’s assemblies here in Ivano-Frankivsk. Wouldn’t it be a great story to arrive back home and see that these seeds did fall on fertile ground and sprang up. That’s my hope and prayer and I ask you to pray for it!
The end of our second week is here. We start the third week in the best lace possible tomorrow, worshipping our Lord on His day with the true Believers in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine!!!
Gif’s Thoughts
It has been an adventurous week so far and someone told me today is Saturday so I guess that means we are at the end of it. I have to take them at their word as I lost three days somewhere around here and no one has yet reported them found. Magically, all the flights were on time and all the bags arrived on the same plane that I did. After that it felt like a week in a car with no AC but the reward has been productive meetings already with those who have come to see us regarding the humanitarian aid efforts.
One of the positives has been the opportunity to again be driven by Valerii who is excellent. As he was driving us today he asked several questions about the Church of Christ, the differences between the Church and denominations, and the importance of following the Bible. He also expressed that he has been considering baptism lately and had some more questions about it, which John handled appropriately with the help of Tanya. Hopefully he will continue his search and that can happen before we leave!
Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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