Often when we load containers in the States we have no idea of the impact the items will make in Ukraine. I was reminded of this on a street in Yaremche. We had gone there with Ivan for a series of meetings. As soon as we parked and stood on the sidewalk I heard someone call out Ivan’s name in a greeting. I looked and a man and woman were giving Ivan hugs and their conversation was obviously one between good friends. As I learned their story I was touched.
Ivan introduced Alexander and Victoria. He said they had lived in Kharkiv and were attorneys. They had fled for their lives when Russia invaded. Ivan said he was at a gas station and noticed that Alexander had shoes that were practically gone. Ivan went over and introduced himself. After learning of their situation, he told Alexander that shoes had been shipped and he was welcome to come and get a pair as well as anything else he needed.
The offer of the shoes and other urgently needed items was unbelievable news. They came and were given anything they needed. A Family Bucket was given to them and tears of joy could not be stopped. The hopelessness and utter lostness was replaced with security because of compassion.
As time progressed Alexander and Victoria were in touch with other IDPs. The term IDP is an abbreviation for “Internally Displaced People.” There is a difference between IDPs and Refugees. A “Refugee” is one who is driven to an outside nation while the “IDP” remains inside his nation but is displaced). Now Alexander and Victoria are involved in locating other IDPs who need help and are working with Ivan to distribute the urgently needed commodities. Like a pebble tossed into a calm lake whose ripples reach the distant places, the impact and influence of the Lord’s Church is continuing to expand! This impact will bear fruit that is unseen at this point. This is a good illustration of Wisdom’s counsel, “Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days” (Ecclesiastes 11:1). Or again, Hosea’s counsel (10:12), “Sow for yourselves, with a view to righteousness; Harvest in accordance with kindness.”
Chip’s thoughts
As we were walking to the mayor’s office we ran into two people who were IDPs from the Eastern area and had been helped by some of the shoes, clothes and Family Buckets that we have shipped in previous containers. It tore at my heart to see the tears of appreciation in the man’s eyes. I put my arm around him and gave him a big hug and implored him to stay strong and pray while I blinked back my own tears.
Perry’s thoughts
This morning Ivan picked us up and we had a beautiful ride up to Yaremche in the Carpathian Mountains where we were scheduled to have a meeting with Mayor Andrew. As we were walking to his office a couple (IDP’S) Alexander and Victoria stopped us to talk to Ivan. Their story is sad but amazing. They were among hundreds of thousands whose homes were completely destroyed. They survived with only the clothes on their backs. Ivan saw them walking on the sidewalk with tattered clothes and worn out shoes. He stopped them and introduced himself. He discovered their plight and went and got them clothing and shoes from the Church. These had been shipped from Christians in the United States. They are Attorneys and now have set up a place to help refugees in Yaremche. Ivan has planted the gospel like this throughout Ukraine.

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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