Report 15

Photo: John and Gif meet with Supreme Rada Deputy Anna Purtova to discuss the rehabilitation project that will be directed to assist those returning from the war, those disabled by the war, families, children and a special focus on restoring the spiritual!

Following the meeting with the ZAP guys we finally met Charita and Bogdana who had been anchored at the Border crossing for TWELVE HOURS with some interesting stories! Together we visited with a group from Parliament and Ministry of Heath who are scrambling to find knowledge and counsel on operations of rehabilitation centers and children’s homes that house children orphaned by the war. This final meeting capped an amazing day.

It was been a whirlwind day discovering a number of amazing opportunities!

We met with representatives from Ukraine’s Parliament and the Ministry of Health. We discussed the rehab project and scope. They are operating on actions addressing four general categories:

  • Physical
  • Social/Emotional
  • Family (wives and children)
  • Spiritual

It was observed that every Ukrainian there has lost a family member to the war and the entire nation is now, and will be for a generation, impacted in a negative way. We were told that they have diligently researched this issue and only two nations are adept with training—the USA and Israel. Ukraine is a nation desperate for counsel and shared training to assist citizens. They are at the ground level here—VERY basic planning with a long-term vision. They envision a national call center and then referrals to qualified points throughout Ukraine.

They are having a conference the last week in October. I told them of the contacts I have regarding this project and they would love to have them attend the conference and will even change the time to accommodate our schedule!

They asked me if the Churches of Christ will direct operations for the spiritual issues and I jumped at the offer. What a wonderful opportunity!

Here are two comments from beloved partners that were with me and Gif at the meeting:

Bogdana: After more than a year of search, we have met people who are truly invested into wellbeing and the recovery of the soldiers. This rehabilitation program will encompass all the aspects of life and recovery process for the veterans and their families. It will focus on spouses, children as well and will be well rounded effort to return soldiers to the new normal. It will even include families of the fallen heroes and provide group and individual therapy for them. Pioneering this program is challenging because no analogs currently exist in Ukraine. It is unfathomable what soldiers and their families are going through, thus this program will help them to connect with a variety of services, from legal to housing, to medical, to counseling. Directing people and providing them with resources is essential for standardized post-war care. Partnering up with medical facilities and following patients from the recovery bed to their homes and loved ones is the integral part of this project. What is unique about it, is that it also includes their spiritual support without which no recovery can be complete.

Broken pieces can be put together, but only welded by spirit and soul. So, it is incredibly important that this spiritual aspect is included in the program and was accepted eagerly by the Ukrainian side. As John has been working tirelessly for many years in humanitarian aid and leading actions by the churches of Christ, his participation and contribution to this project is immense.

Many people are starting to come back to Ukraine so this program and its centralized coordination is desperately needed.

Charita: Hello John, Finally, have some time to sit and write. Seeing you today was such a pleasure, and I am very excited about this last meeting. I met Alex during my previous trip, and as always, I was not expecting much from the process. This time was a surprise; the hospital we visited today shows much progress, and we have spoken with doctors who provide PTSD treatment to patients. I was so proud to hear that they have invited Churches of Christ to provide spiritual guidance as a part of their program. I hope and pray that this program works, and I look forward to working with your Church of Christ team to improve the lives of people affected by Russian aggression. I have missed the Dalraida congregation and hope to visit you soon. Stay safe.

Gif’s Thoughts…

We also had an opportunity to gather with some other officials to discuss some plans for once the war is over. Of course, we hope that will be sooner rather than later, but the planning needs to begin already regardless. Ideally, there needs to be rehabilitation for soldiers not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually as well. Also, there needs to be some counseling for their wives and children. While this group is focused on physical and mental therapy, they are requesting that the Churches of Christ oversee the spiritual therapy to help these families turn to God. This is a powerful testament to the work that the humanitarian aid work that the Church has done in the country to have a reputation like this.

Even though we don’t see it at home on the news anymore, the war is still very real here. The people’s lives are in danger every day, and stress levels are high for everyone. Yet they continue to thrive and push forward as that is the only option. It is not vacation for them or for us being here, but instead just taking steps on a long road that will last far beyond the end of the war; the Church needs to be present the whole way as these people begin looking for God to guide them in the days ahead.

Those supporting our efforts on this trip and with shipping humanitarian aid are doing a great work for the Lord!

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine