Report 16

Featured Photo: Ivan, Perry and Chip visited a military unit that has been a great asset in a number of our efforts. Ivan has worked closely with them. This photo shows a small part of the unit. The unit has helped unload a number of containers at arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Perry’s Thoughts

We had a wonderful visit with Major V and staff who are still so appreciative for the fridge & microwaves. He showed pictures of the fallen men from his unit #20. You could see the sadness in his face and tears for his fallen young men. They are responsible for the defense and protection of the infrastructure in this area and this is the reason he needs like Elon Musk’s internet link system. The Russians cannot block it. As Ivan mentioned it would cost $2,000USD I personally feel it would be money well spent.

Chip presented Major V with the American and Alabama flag, certificate and coin. His second in command received it. It pleased him and his staff so much. In return he presented Chip and I with a certificate of appreciation and then a full uniform to Chip, a military jacket to Ivan and a Military pullover to me. Ivan must have said something because the certificate had our names on them. For me it was wonderful to revisit the Major.

This morning Ruslan picked us up and then we met Inna at a grocery store to buy food for Volodya’s grandmother and have a visit. Chip who would not let us help pay because of his kind heart wanted to do this. We had a great visit with Galena and encouraged to come to church, Ivan would gladly pick her up. In my first report we were able to visit Volodya in Poland. When we got back to the hotel, I spent the rest of the day and after super finishing the sermon for Sunday. It’s hard to believe we have been here over two weeks!

Chip’s Thoughts

Mayor Lubov had some administrative meetings yesterday and today and supposedly could not meet with us either day. We still have flags for Lysets and Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk to present. We are meeting with Volodya’s grandmother tomorrow afternoon and taking some food supplies. Perry is working on finishing touches for his Sunday sermon.

I found out Sunday that Vitaly, the army guy using a forearm crutch who attends the assemblies of the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk and who is a member of the unit we visited, told us he called some friends late that day about our visit. Vitaly said they were extremely positive and appreciative of our visit. The flags, certificates, and coins were well received and they were very complimentary of Perry, Ivan, and me!

Well, it is said the third time is the charm so today was the third day scheduled to try and visit the military location and finally it happened! I will not mention names and will limit photos, but we met with Major V and four of his staff.  They were appreciative of previous small appliance help but if we could help with a Star Light unit.  We said we would look into the matter but no promises.

I then presented Major V, the battalion commander, with the American and Alabama flags that we brought, which had been flown over the respective capitals. I also presented Major V and the four other staff members an Alabama Great Seal challenge coin. They were very honored!

And then to my surprise they gave me a Ukrainian National guard uniform with the top blouse and a set of pants. We also received a formal unit recognition book personalized with our names! I was speechless! (I know I can hear the surprise in Sylacauga’s Mike Kiser at that utterance!)

So now I’m in the National Guard! Please pray for our safety and continued good influence here in the Ukraine!

Remember our mission in prayers asking God to grant us success and to open doors of opportunity! Colossians 4:2-4

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine