Update November 19, 2023

Photo: Here is a typical scene as children leave school classes and run to the bomb shelters when air raid sirens sound. We have helped schools prepare their basement shelters for these children. We have provided, cots, portable toilets, school desks, and food. Sometimes children are in these shelters 4+ hours.

There are situations in earthly living that attack the most vulnerable. It is aa tragic reality that often the vulnerable are forgotten! There may be a momentary concern but then other “urgencies” arise and the priority of the vulnerable is eclipsed or, sadly, forgotten. Among the most vulnerable that are attacked by Evil are the innocent children. They are utterly defenseless. This is not a current phenomenon. The vulnerable have historically been attacked, abused, and trafficked by Evil. It is in the context of this that we read the comforting assurance, “For in You the orphan finds mercy” (Hosea 14:3). God offers “mercy” to the abused vulnerable.

Our priority in shipping benevolence has always focused on the vulnerable (children elderly, handicapped, etc).  When Russia invaded in 2014 we began a special focus on helping the children who were targeted by Evil. When the full war was initiated in February 2022 we instantly increased our efforts to assist children.

Many reading these updates have joined with us and helped us to be able to feed and clothe these children; to assist their families struggling with the tragedy of death, forced displacement, and dismemberment (some of the saddest moments for me are scenes of children missing legs or arms because of mines, cluster bombs, and missiles!).

I want this update to focus on this continuing need. The news media has largely shifted reporting away from Russia’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine. Some ask, “Is the war STILL going? I’ve not heard anything about it.” Sadly, the war’s heinousness continues. The vulnerable are still suffering.

We are able to repatriate a small number of children that were forcibly taken into Russia. We have managed to relocate a number of children to safe places in Ukraine’s west.

On my last visit, I was able to discuss securing a sports complex facility in Lviv Oblast for 500 children displaced by the war and many of that number are orphaned by one or both parents.

Winter is coming and once again I send a plea for help feeding these children. Last year I sent out this plea in November, “The children need food and when asked how much was needed, I was told that with frugal management and ‘gleanings’ offered by local butchers, we could feed each child at least three meals a day for less than $2.00 ($50.00 per month).”

I have checked and this amount is still realistic because more in the community are willing to share their winter provisions of potatoes, beets and cabbage with the children. We are still able to negotiate with butchers and get meat scraps. We are able to ship in some dry food mixes. With YOUR support, as last winter, we can feed the children in these shelters and camps.

PLEASE ask your congregations to assist us as we provide the funding for winter’s provisions. There is an added factor for this year’s ministry to the children—with Gif and Perry’s help in coordinating and planning, we will have Christians available and willing to go to various locations and teach basic Bible lessons to the children!

PLEASE send generous donations to: Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109. Please mark the donations “For food.” This is a wonderful opportunity to assist God’s efforts to “show mercy” to the orphaned!

These plans amplify the prophet’s words, “For in You the orphan finds mercy” (Hosea 14:3). God is offering “mercy” to the abused vulnerable in a very tangible way.

Here is a review of a report Perry sent. This focuses upon the vulnerable receiving God’s mercy:

The work in Zelena a village in the Carpathian Mountains is opening thanks to Bogdan, Galena and Lily their daughter who works for the village. They arranged visits to ten needy families that we gave buckets full of house hold needs from the church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk and Christians in America. The warmth, kindness, and friendliness shown to us is overwhelming but most importantly as the seeds are planted may God fertile their souls for the salvation message that Jesus offers. May God be glorified as doors are opened because of the humanitarian needs being distributed to the needy during this terrible war (Matt. 25:35-35A;40. Mk.9:41).

I want to give a special focus on “Maria.” She is 93 years old and takes care of her EIGHT great, great grandchildren who are orphans (their parents have been killed in the war). As we walked down the lane to her home, she was splitting wood for cooking and heating the home. Very impressive! Maria still cuts the hay by hand, takes care of all the farm animals with the help of her great, great granddaughter Jamya and her brothers and sisters.”

Another family that is receiving your mercy is Nina with three of her five children with the youngest being 3 months old. The two boys were shy and stayed in the other room. Her husband was killed in the war and the family needs anything and everything. The distribution of supplies sent in containers is viewed as “God’s blessings.”

Another family that we are helping (I’m not sure why but I did not get the name of this family and children). Their father has cancer and travels just over five hours three days a week from Zelena to Ivano-Frankivsk for treatment. The grandmother takes care of the children.

After we visited the school’s bomb shelter in Ugorniky (Ivano-Frankivsk), Perry wrote:

“How would you like to have your children having school in a bomb shelter because of the air raids that occur so frequently because of this evil war. I do not show the children but you see the various art work they hang on the concrete walls, class room and just one bed they use. Just in one week the children spent three time in the shelter for an average of five hours each time! Pictured is Lubov and her daughter Mariana who is the director of the school. The Lord’s Church continually helps with the needs required for these children.”

Here is a newspaper report from our efforts in Zaporizhia. I have previously posted it, but it serves to illustrate this update’s message.


Reporting…I will be with the Meridianville Church of Christ on 26 November to give a report on our efforts. I will be with the Lincoln Church of Christ (Huntsville, AL) on 02 December to give a report on our efforts. If you are near either of these locations, please come and hear a “report (on) all the things that God had done with them and how He had opened a door of faith” (Acts 14:27).

John L. Kachelman, Jr., Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109

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