Photo: The Church of Christ in Cherkasy, Ukraine is a wonderful encouragement as it constantly serves God. The congregation is very active in relief efforts that have had positive fruits of the gospel—many are involved in private Bible studies; attendance has increased as the congregation of 28 sees its worshipping assemblies and Bible Classes max out the seating; members are present at the building every day offering comfort, hope and love to those who have fled the horrors of Russia’s invasion and occupation. The preacher’s wife and other ladies lead a burgeoning women’s Bible study group where those receiving benevolent help are eager participants. A class for men is offered and taught each day by the preacher. Even missile strikes do not cause the Church to cower but fills them with a greater resolve!
This is how God intends His Church to function!
UPDATE ASIDE…The are two incredible developments that I want to share with you… First, in our work with the hospital rehabilitation projects we have learned that the patients are doing well but after their therapy treatments they have nothing to do but stare at the 4-walls surrounding them. This is a bold negative in the rehab development. Charita and Sebastian have been able to connect with Sharp Electronics, Mendenhall Rd, Memphis, TN and secure a donation of an entire container of 54-inch TVs that will go to a number of hospitals in Ukraine. These are being transported to Montgomery on Monday where a team from Dalraida is preparing to fabricate bracing to insure the secure transportation in a cargo container and then we load on Wednesday (photos and more on this to come explaining how it all developed). Second, Kathy Cadden sent this note last night, “Got call from Love the Hungry (Louisville, KY) we have about 99,792 servings of food! This is approximately 15,000 pounds (Note that is FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS). The earliest I can possibly go get it is Wednesday. Must raise funds to rent truck. If I can get to your warehouse Thursday or Friday is that good with you?” This food is critical to the pleas we receive from the centers housing displaced children, the elderly and large families who have taken in war orphans. More on this to follow, but be amazed at what is offered to us! The text is absolute, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21). In connection with providing meals for children during the winter, we are still seeking funds to help us provide the food. If you, your congregation, your civic club, or your work associates can join us in this it will be a prayer answered!
Now to Slava’s third part… This is now the third part of brother Slava Savkovsky’s report on how the Church of Christ in Cherkasy, Ukraine is active and alive! Their service and outreach to all is a challenge to all reading this report. They are utilizing the benevolence and humanitarian works as God designed so that opportunities for direct teaching are made. They are actively conducting Bible studies at all times of distribution. They are giving out Bibles but first are using that as an opportunity to sit down and open the Scriptures and explain God’s salvation by grace and mercy. I hope these three installments have encouraged you to see God’s expectations for you and the congregation where you worship. Let us seize opportunities to help those in great distress and show them the wonderful love that God has for each one. Let us sow the seed of the gospel wherever we can. Let us open the Bible and explain its meaning as Philip and Ezra did. God’s salvation by grace through faith is not learned by “osmosis” but must be taught and preached! You cannot simply give out Bibles and expect people to understand. Understanding the Bible results from teaching the Bible—not generalized conversations, but specific times with an open Bible. Understanding does not require years, but Scripture shows that when the gospel is taught a person’s heart can be “pricked” and submission to God will be immediate (Acts 2:37-42).
Currently, we are a congregation of 28, as some of our members have left the country because of the war and our membership decreased. In summer, however, on several occasions our total Sunday or Wednesday attendance went over 80. We actually had problems with providing enough seating several times.
As mentioned above, the contents of our benevolence bag has varied overtime, and now includes rice, buckwheat, canned salmon or mackerel, cooking oil, condensed milk, coffee sticks and tea bags. We also add some personal hygiene products—toothpaste, toothbrush, and soap, which has also varied since we started this project.
In all our assemblies we offer our visitors Bibles, New Testaments, children’s Bibles, children’s coloring books with Bible stories and a selection of other Christian literature. These books were generously provided to us by Eastern European Mission a number of times. We strongly believe that it is very important to provide those in need not only with food for the body but, more importantly, with nourishment for their souls. When early on many people were fleeing to Cherkasy in view of the advancing enemy, bringing along children’s books or toys was rather low on their list of priorities. It was so rewarding to see how children’s eyes would light up when we handed the refugee children Bible coloring books and color pencils.
Working together as a congregation to help those in need and to make a difference in the life of so many different people is a good example of Christian service that motivates both our Christians and visitors. This year God has blessed our congregation by adding six precious souls to our church family so far.
Our Refugee Food Relief Project has been a great blessing to us in so many different ways! Hereby we would like to extend our deep gratitude to those congregations and individual Christians whose financial participation has made this project possible.
Thank you for making a difference! May God bless you in your service unto Him!
In Christian love, for the Cherkasy Church of Christ, Slava Savkovsky
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ukraine Missions, P. O. Box 3085 (send mail here), 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, Alabama 36109
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