Featured Photo: Kathy Cadden (Columbus, MS) brought a truckload of food, clothing and medical supplies to Montgomery. She also brought a banner that will be sent to display at distribution. The banner reads: “Churches of Christ: the family where everyone is loved.”
Our warehouse is filled with enough commodities to send FIVE containers! We are working to get a container prepared and shipped to Gif and Perry. Thankfully the Dalraida congregation has donated funds to cover the shipping expenses.
The needs in Ukraine have not lessened as the war drags on but they have actually increased. The displaced people and those who have remained in their homes near the frontline continue to plead for basic items. Among these are personal hygiene supplies. In a later update I will discuss this urgent need.
I have reported on this great program in previous updates (if you missed it the update can be found at: https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/2024/01/02/update-january-1-2024/).
The first LIFE BOXES are now in transit and will go to Kharkiv. This is a congregation supported by the West Huntsville Church of Christ. As soon as a request was made for names and contact from the overseeing elderships, I was given contact information. Actually, it came from not only the West Huntsville brethren but Inna Kuzmenko, a member in Kharkiv but currently in Ivano-Frankivsk, contacted the preacher, Olefira Igor Karimovych, and he instantly replied and we began the process. I am thankful to the West Huntsville and Kharkiv brethren for their quick response that put them at the head!
We are anxious to get photos of the distribution and will keep you advised. These Life Boxes contain about 50 pounds of critical items for families living in the regions of conflict. Many of these families have not had access to some of the items since the war began. Thankfully, The Lord’s People have been sending funds that help us assist these people. We have been able to feed tens of thousands with containers shipped and perishables bought as available. If not for the generosity of brethren this could have NEVER happened! THANK YOU!
The essence of our work and the ultimate end goal in offering critical benevolence, is summarized by Inspiration, “Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you” (2 Corinthians 9:12-13).
Message received from Inna: “Hi John, I talked to our preacher from Kharkiv. He’s been contacted by a guy from Lutsk by the name Sergey about those life boxes you mentioned for the Church. And he was told that they were expecting 100 boxes to be sent to Kharkiv. Does the church need to cover the cost of shipping them over to Kharkiv? 😊”
The reply to Inna’s question reveals the amazing opportunity of the Life Boxes. Charita, who is a critical element in this program, replied: “We will deliver them free of charge; please tag us and spread the word. We are trying to start purchasing a second load of food and hygiene items to prepare the next Life Box project. We were buying all the hygiene items in Poland but prices have gone so high it is now cheaper for us to buy in the US and ship. You have shipped rice meals that are being packed. We would like to include canned meats like SPAM and Tuna and we can collect and ship these in a container. I need all the support you can give.”
These boxes, which will feed a family for a minimum of one-week, but should feed much longer, are packed in Lublin, Poland with commodities shipped via containers and purchased in Poland. They are delivered FREE to the destinations close to the frontlines. We have military escorts and cooperation to assure the delivery. We distribute through local congregations so those in need actually receive the boxes. The Lord’s Church is highlighted, trusted and receives recognition just as Paul said the Macedonian congregations received.
This program is operational and those who responded immediately are to begin receiving shipments. These will be the focal points of operations and IF we are able to expand THEN we will include other locations.
The pressing need is evident in Charita’s above reply to Inna. We have been purchasing some foods in Poland but the cost has increased beyond our abilities. We are now being asked to include in shipments various canned food products that will be used in Lublin as the boxes are packed. This effort is envisioned to last as long as we have funds to ship and purchase the foodstuffs. We have established the initial contacts that will continue receiving boxes and we have other contacts that will allow the distribution to expand IF we have funds.
Opportunity Shunned and Opportunity Lost
There is a fact—God operates and opens doors for His People to serve and glorify His Name (Colossians 4:3). How does God react when His People do not seize the open doors? The answer is found in the unforgettable narrative of 2 Kings 13:14-19. There is justified righteous anger because man shunned the opportunity opened by God. This is a sobering fact that is seldom accepted. On the Judgment Day many will be faced with the fact they were presented an open door of opportunity and shunned or delayed and the opportunity passed them by. Hence the exhortation of Ephesians 5:15-17.
We have an amazing opportunity so let us seize the moment and cooperate with the Lord!
How Can You Help?
How can you help us seize the opportunity that has opened? There are several ways: collect canned foods that can be shipped in containers going to Lublin and packed in the Life Boxes; Help us find funding for shipping containers with relief items; Help us by donating so we will be able to purchase items for the Life Boxes—flour, grains, perishables, etc, in Poland and cannot be shipped in containers. We already have at least one container of enriched rice meals on the water that will be used in packing these boxes.
Look at this amazing opportunity—the boxes are packed by volunteers in Poland; the boxes are shipped with no cost into Ukraine to a designated congregation; the congregations distribute the boxes through their benevolent ministry; the result of 2 Corinthians 9:12-13 is realized! Let us not face the consequences of a missed opportunity that Inspiration warned us against by the narrative of 2 Kings 13:14-19! God presents YOU with amazing opportunities. How do YOU respond to His providence?
John L Kachelman, Jr Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
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