Gif and Perry have completed their second month and the transition continues to progress very smoothly. They are now reaching out and following up on open doors.
Another month has too quickly passed—even the Leap Year’s extra day seems to have been absorbed and its extra time was imperceptible and quickly devoured by the urgencies of operations! And so, we begin a new month with an overflowing plate!
With the end of February, I have completed my teaching assignment on “Diving Deep into Romans.” It has been a rewarding study. I am in the process of writing lessons that could not be included because of the quarter’s constraints. I had these already in rough form and want to include them in the files. I’ll probably never teach these but while my mind is focused on the theme I want to record them. I plan to put the entire series in PDF and make it available to those who wish to review the series.
Endless Efforts
- We will receive a truck from CURE on Friday with various items. We are still working to collect items for physical therapy rehab centers in Ukraine. CURE has some of these but they also have several other pieces of equipment that are critically needed—a complete cardio-test center is coming our way!
- We will receive a truck with critically needed wound dressings from Henry Schein. These are dressings that are desperately needed to treat the wounded from Russia’s missiles and bombs.
- We are working to collect and pack personal hygiene bags for the displaced in Ukraine. These are the 2-gallon zip lock bags and are constantly requested. Gif has a list where these will go. I’ll send a special update in the next few days about these and how you can help.
- We continue to see the LIFE BOXES packed and distributed. We shipped a container in early February that held a number of items to be packed into the LIFE BOXES. We also received word that 100 of these boxes were going to the Church in Kharkiv for immediate distribution.
- We will load TWO containers in the week of March 10 (FYI on 10 March we spring forward so we will get to begin one-hour earlier than normal—I wonder if that earlier start to each day will help us complete the urgencies faster?).
- I am in the process of scheduling the upcoming trip to Ukraine and there is the L2L conference where a good number of Dalraida’s folks are involved.
Report from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Here is a report from Gif and Perry. This is at the end of their second month since arriving. The transition has gone very smoothly. They are doing an outstanding job and we are beginning to see a number of doors opening for the Lord’s good news of great tidings!
02-2024-February-Report-CompressedContainer Loading on February 12.
We completed a load earlier this month that will go to Ukraine. Some photos from the load are below. Here are the final load stats:
- Children’s Special needs equipment—130
- Hospital Baby Cribs—2
- Infant Warmer—1
- Hospital Linens—415 bags
- Disposable Medical Supplies—358 boxes
- Food—293 boxes
- Squincher Hydration Mixes—193 boxes
Total Weight—15,940 lbs
Total value—$301,548.00
This container is going to a Children’s Hospital in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Portions of the container (food and hygiene items) will be dropped at the location where LIFE BOXES are being packed.
Thank you for your financial support—without your generosity we would be limited and many of the good works would be impossible!
John L Kachelman, Jr.
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