Featured Photo: We had another delightful visit with Mayor Lubov of Ugorniky. Pictured left to right: Tanya, John, Mayor Lubov, Gif.
The past two days have been filled with a number of activities that I classify as “housekeeping, house-cleaning chores.” We have had delightful visits with the three Mayors who partner with us in our efforts. As each meeting concluded, there was great excitement that Gif was here and coordinating the work in Ivano-Frankivsk.
I want to make special note was the meeting with Mayor Lubov of Ugorniky. We discussed the war and its impact on the village. Six men have been killed in the war from Ugorniky. The usual bubbly smiling personality of Lubov was darkened by the hurt and tragedy of Russia’s invasion. She told us of a conversation she had with a mother and daughter from Mariupol who had lost everything from the war’s devastation and whose future at present are uncertain. She said there is no answer for such situations.
Lubov was very interested in the work of the Church and the continued construction of the building. I explained that the Church was continuing even though Ivan has gone to the USA. I pointed to Gif and said that he was now appointed to preach and coordinate all things with the Church. Hearing this she was very happy because she said that Gif works so very well with the schools and villagers. We discussed the construction and I stated that I would love for her to come and look at how things have progressed. She said that she had been invited into the building only once and would love to come and see how things are going. I told her that we wanted the village to feel comfortable with being inside the building and we would like to host some community events. I specifically mentioned a basic “health fair.” She said that another church in Ugorniky had hosted a health fair and she wondered why we never had (this activity, along with a number of other activities, has been suggested for years but never implemented).
Lubov said she and the village are very excited about opportunities to work together and again stated she was very happy that Gif was here. We discussed Avery, Jared and Whitney coming and Lubov said they were welcomed in the schools and we were even urged to have night Bible classes in the Administration Building. She not only invited us to do this but was insistent. This was a very positive thing for me to hear as we had been told last October that the schools never wanted us to come again and anyone making presentations in the Administration Buildings had to have proper credentials. This was not communicated by Lubov then but we were told this was her response.
The most exciting news is that she will become a “babushka” in September! Marianna, Lubov’s daughter, is the Director of Ugorniky’s kindergarten and married a couple of years ago. They are now expecting their first child.
She exuberantly expressed her gratitude for our work and talked about how long we have been together in various projects. She specifically mentioned the clinic’s renovation and how a national Inspector had come and was surprised to see such a clinic of quality in the village. We helped furnish the clinic from shipments and every time she shows the clinic she specifically mentions the help and points out every item we sent (even the chairs!). She also commented on the Village Council Meeting Room which we furnished with the conference table and room full of chairs. These items came via CURE which had a large donation of hospital waiting room chairs. We sent those chairs all over the world and a roomful ended up in Ugorniky, Ukraine and stand as a memorial to the Lord’s Church!
After the wonderful visit with Lubov we visited the village’s Kindergarten where Marianna and Victoria took us to the bomb shelter. Two years ago, this was just a damp, dark room. Marianna and others have transformed it into as cheerful a place as possible. We have previously reported on renovation and provisions for this bomb shelter. Many days the children are in the shelter most of the day. This is because, even when no bombs are hitting Ivano-Frankivsk there is a national alarm and all schools must go to the shelters. Most of the time the stay is 4+ hours. There were no toilets but good brethren provided funds and we ordered portable toilets for the children. We also helped order mattresses and in Gif’s last report he mentioned the insulation that we helped provide. So every time the children go into the shelter they are surrounded by the loving compassion of the Lord’s Church! And, this is NOT missed!
When I saw Marianna, I gave her a good hug and told her how happy I was to hear “the news.” She smiled and patted her belly saying “We are making a boy!”
Following the school visit we met with Ruslan about clearing out all leftover humanitarian aid items. There is a large amount of items that have been shipped but have been stored. We need these distributed two years ago! Ruslan had arranged for three groups to come and get items. One group is from Kharkiv and took the special needs children’s equipment. They could not get it all in their truck so are returning today (Saturday) to get the rest. I think if the Judsonia and Montgomery loaders had been here they could have “show-spooned” all into the truck! One more First Aid group will come Monday and possibly a Village Mayor will come. After that we have arranged for all to be transported to a location where it will be distributed to those in greatest need (we have dishes, new shoes, new clothing, walkers, crutches, misc medical supplies, physical therapy equipment, etc.
Today Igor called and Kharkiv has received the Life Boxes. He was going to send photos but Khariv was bombed and there was no electricity or internet. Hopefully he can get those to me and I’ll share with you.
PS…a jet-lag casualty is my inbox! Somehow, I deleted the inbox messages and they are gone! So, if you have emailed and I have not responded it is because the message is gone. Please resend.
Continue praying for our efforts. Opportunities continue to present themselves in amazing ways!
John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
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