Report #4 | 2024 Spring Trip

Featured Photo: Members enter into the church building for worship on Sunday April 7, 2024.

Loving embraces, smiles, and cheerful words filled the building as we gathered together for worship! Such illustrates so well Psalm 122:1.

“I was glad when they said to me, “Let’s go to the house of the Lord.”

(Ps. 122:1)

Today’s Lord’s Day (April 7, 2024) was a bright sunny and warm day in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The day was made better by the encouraging assembly gathered to worship the Almighty God. There was a good number present considering several factors that prevented brethren from attending (the war; some away on business; some traveling, some taking exams to qualify for a job; etc). One of the objectives set in January was to involve as many of the men members possible in leading the worship actions.  Gif is doing a great job in moving toward a reality of this objective. He is planning a month ahead and the men are signing up for the acts of worship they want to lead. We have a fulltime song leader in Kola who has eagerly embraced the work. It is encouraging to look at the planned schedule sheet and see the men sign their names. Gif says that there are men eagerly volunteering for various duties who never before were involved. We have urged this for a number of years and Gif and Perry implemented it in January and it has taken off very well. Thus, we have developing a true “congregational worship” and not a “priest-led worship” where the preacher does everything. The key to this is planning and encouraging!

Following the morning’s worship Kola and Tamara planted 10 Hibiscus plants. As they were doing this Maria joined them. All three worked to get the planting done. To me this is a wonderful development as it shows interest and pride in the church building. Such eager volunteerism reveals personal “buy-in” to the local work. It is encouraging to see more and more of membership volunteerism in the work here in every aspect! Again, I credit Gif and Perry in initiating this action!

Following the assembly, we went to a local café and shared a fellowship meal together. I have found that fellowship within the congregation is nurtured and strengthened by two specific actions—sharing a meal and working together. Today I saw both of these actions being demonstrated with joy that only comes from the bond shared in Christ!

Later in the day, after visiting a local “cat café” where those critters roam free and unexpectantly jump onto your table and smell your coffee, Gif noted that it seems there is a greater “noise level” of voices talking, laughing, and greeting one another than he previously observed. This is another positive sign of a healthy congregation where members are actively searching out others and together sharing good news of life. At the fellowship meal, Maria announced to the entire group, “It is so good to be united in the Church of Christ and we are so thankful to all who have helped this to happen.” Gif is hoping to have a Bible study with Maria and Ivan. He has offered several times and there is always a conflict but prayerfully he can study with them soon.

As I think of the wonderful joy that was so evident in today’s assembly and activities, I cannot help but think of the joy I share with so many who are supportive of the Lord’s work in Ukraine. And that reminds me of an email I received this morning from my beloved brother Ken Smith (a wonderful way to start the day!). Those who know Ken will read his email with a smile of appreciation.


I know you are traveling for your April trip, but I thought it might be a bit of good news that the elders announced from the pulpit this morning that our congregation will be helping support the Ukraine mission. Marilyn Jones is a great supporter of your efforts! Please pass the word that brothers and sisters in Alaska care about them. (I don’t know if you wish to share this or not, but it is a geographical fact that prayers from Alaska are approximately 37.8% more effective than the prayers of others. WE are closer to Heaven. 😊) Please give TZ and Princess Inna a big special Alaskan hug from me.

Love to all,

Continue praying for our efforts. Opportunities continue to present themselves in amazing ways!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)