Featured Photo: This is the State Rehabilitation Institution “Full Rehab Center for People with Disabilities” Donbass-Transcarpathian.” It operated in Kramatorsk where we assisted them a number of years ago but with the invasion of Russia, it moved to Ivano-Frankivsk. The return to Kramatorsk seems unlikely as Russian forces are expected to surround Kramatorsk and incorporate it into the occupied territory.
An exciting opportunity!
We have visited a location that, thus far, is the most exciting opportunity thus opened for us! It is the State Rehabilitation Institution “Full Rehab Center for People With Disabilities.” I have reported on this work in previous newsletters (https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/2022/09/22/fall-mission-trip-report-8/ and https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/2023/04/17/trip-report-6-april-17-2023/). It was Vladimir Paziy that first introduced me to this work in Kramatorsk (THANK YOU VLAD!). We worked with them in distributing benevolence supplies and assisted in furnishing some rehabilitation equipment and supplies. The Director is Svetlana Fomina and she and Vladimir met in Ivano-Frankivsk as each had fled the Russian invasion. This meeting would continue our cooperation but now, with the war’s wounded, the rehabilitation needs are much more critical.
Svetlana gave us a quick tour of the facilities which are still under renovation but are progressing very well. They are now using the second floor and have installed an elevator to take patients upstairs for treatments.
As we walked Svetlana and Gif connected in an amazing way. Consider how it occurred. Gif and Perry were able to rent an apartment that was available because a family from Kramatorsk had moved to another apartment. That family was Svetlana’s daughter. And through them Svetlana has an immediate and positive connection with Gif! Gif had met them but had no idea of the connection with Svetlana. In fact, he has only been to the Center once and he admits that was just as a “silent tag-along.” The family is wonderful and a great connection!
After the tour we went to Svetlana’s office for coffee. As we began, I told Gif that previously Svetlana and I discussed the need for not only physical therapy but occupational, emotional and family therapy. At that point Svetlana jumped in and said, “And spiritual rehabilitation as John had described.” I told her that we were really interested in the spiritual rehabilitation as we want to help heal the “total person.” I told her that Gif was here and would be glad to assist with the spiritual classes. This prompted Svetlana to say that she specifically wondered if Gif could teach Bible Classes! The Center now has two locations in Ivano-Frankivsk and Gif will be working to set up regular and continuing classes at each location! This wonderful opportunity begun years ago when working with a State agency and now is developing into a fascinating narrative. For those who would criticize such as wasted action I remind them of the inspired words of Ecclesiastes 11:1. You simply have no idea how God can use the opportunities presented to you! See photos below.
As we were driving away from the Center both Inna and Tanya expressed excitement because they observed that Svetlana initiated the request for Bible study thus showing her sincerity.
A Footnote to the war…
A footnote regarding the war…Many are critical of the slow advance of Ukraine’s forces in retaking occupied areas. I tire quickly of this verbiage! The reason is simple…MINEFIELDS! Clearing these minefields is tedious and tragic. Illustrating this evil is a community I visited the Russians had occupied but had been drive out. Russia mined the local lake so those swimming would explode the ordinance. No military value in this—only evil. Framing the scope of this danger is the following excerpt from a briefing post: “The sheer number of mines in a field is staggering. In an area of only one square kilometer, there were almost 25,000 Russian mines of all purposes. Each of these explosive devices has a kill radius of several meters. Some mines are ‘bundled’ giving the mine’s blast even greater killing power.” The danger is not limited to only military. Many civilians are maimed and murdered annually because of this ordinance. BUT there is an exciting development in the detection and removal of minefields. A special shout-out to RL for his hard work in this critical need! More to be reported as allowed.
Continue praying for our efforts. Opportunities continue to present themselves in amazing ways!
John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
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