Featured Photo: “Maya” holds a dandelion bloom and a small piece of a sheet of stickers that was shipped in a Family Bucket. She is displaced from locations such as Bucha, Bakhmut, Druzhkovka. Some in her home have been living as IDPs since the first invasion by Russia in 2014. The home they once lived in is probably destroyed. There are presently 11 children, 2 parents and 1 grandmother living in her home. But look at her t-shirt and see the reason for her sweet smile! How sad that others, have so much more than “Maya,” BUT they face each day with a “sour-lemon hangover”? Hmmm…it must be THEIR choice! The tragedy is properly framed as Israel was urged to “choose life” but their selfish attitude choices only brought dismay and sorrows!
Today’s visits and meetings were exceptional in a number of ways. One visit stands out and highlights the total joys of the day. Two meetings were with families that currently have 10-11 children. The majority of these children have been displaced by the war and their homes, cities and everything they have known is now rubble. The effort to house these children is a 24/7 challenge. Nicholi is consumed with finding housing, food and all matters pertaining to their living. Some of these children (242) started out in a camp that Nicholi runs (and the SEASTAR KIDS greatly helped with the initial response). Readers will recall a report where one of the first cluster bombs from Russia landed near this camp so the children were hurriedly evacuated. As news of Nicholi’s mercy to these children spread, so did the urgent requests from every Region in Ukraine. This past winter 500 children were housed at a sports complex in Lviv Region but that facility asked the children to be moved as summer activities were being prepared. Now they are scattered throughout safe zones in western Ukraine as hearts of mercy have opened to help the children (“even to the least” keeps echoing in my mind!).
We have been shipping food, clothing, personal needs, Family Buckets, Hygiene Bags, etc., to Nicholi as support to these children. Details and locations are secure and guarded. It is against Ukrainian Martial Law to post, request or contact these without a secured clearance. Nicholi told me today that those trying to compromise the children will be reported and appropriate action will be taken.
NOTE: The photos you see in the below slideshow have been cleared by “friendly sources” who know so much more than you can imagine as they carefully surveil electronic social media sites (FB/META is the number one source as it can be mined for incredible details utilized by evil. What many post, tag, etc., and think are inconsequential are a treasure trove for evil.) Telephone communications, especially those international are closely surveilled. What many think is “innocent,” will be interpreted within a wartime martial law context and will unleash a shocking fury and punitive consequences that are unimagined. But according to the Law, are deserved.
Now for a highlight of the day…
Today I had the absolute joy of following up on distributions to families that have many children. One of these families belong to Vasyl & Nina. They have four children of their own, and currently have eleven foster children. When I asked them to total the number of children with whom they have opened their home and shared their love, they thought and discussed and decided it was 13 children. Today one new girl had joined them and appeared to be well accepted and fit in. Most of the children have been from Bucha and Bakhmut. Vasyl and Nina are from Druzhkovka leaving with the first invasion of 2014. They brought with them some children whose parents had died or who joined the military to defend their nation from evil and ever since have been offering a home of love to other children.
The home’s atmosphere was “lively.” The children eagerly helped us bring in the 40 lbs bags of grocery items. We brought eleven bags to this family, plus a 50-pound bag of flour and one Family Bucket. These provisions are bought by Nicholi with funds he receives but he has used a great amount of his own funds to help these families. He has worked 24/7 trying to get churches to help take care of these children and even though the response is not always what we would like, the Lord provides “enough” for what is needed! (As Psalm 68:10, praises God, there is this specific mention, “In Your kindness You provided for the poor, God.”). This provision by God to the poor is happening “real-time” in efforts to help the children of war and many reading this are the instruments through God’s provisions are sent!
A delightful scene was the opening of the Family Bucket. We brought only one Family Bucket to this family and the children eagerly opened it. They were excited about every item in the bucket! “Lada” was the youngest (5 years old). She pulled out a bundle of toothbrushes and there was a “Pretty Pony” toothbrush that she instantly showed to Nina asking if she could have it. She also found a knit hat and quickly donned it. Another quickly seized a sheet of stickers and would later divide it among the other girls. I heard excited squeals and exclamations of unbelief as the items in the bucket emerged. Unfortunately, the bottle of dishwashing liquid had the top popped and it got onto several of the items. Nina patiently wiped off the items.
After the excitement of opening the Family Bucket subsided we were invited to tea and cookies. We accepted but I just could not bring myself to eat any of the cookies and candy as I knew there were eleven children who could enjoy them much better than I could.
As we prepared to leave, Nina started telling us how grateful she was. She was struggling to get through the emotions and at times had to stop and wipe away tears and compose herself. She said that trying to provide for such a large number is always challenging and when they receive a call asking if they can take “just one more,” she looks at the kitchen supplies and wonders how it will be sufficient, but they cannot turn any away. She said at times the supply gets really low but then God always brings more food just as He did today.
We left and went to another house where ten children are being loved. We took the same number of items to them. This home had several boys who were great helpers and displayed amazing manners and respect. This momma and poppa were also displaced from the east but instead of playing the victim have become the heroes!
The financial support you send, the containers we ship, the Family Buckets and personal hygiene bags you collect—ALL are gratefully received and shared with those in similar situations!
Matthew 10:42
I find great joy in the Lord’s words…“Whoever gives one of these little ones just a cup of cold water to drink in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”
Continue praying for our efforts. Opportunities continue to present themselves in amazing ways!
John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
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