Featured Photo: These are some of the children who assisted us in unloading items for Nadiya’s home.
Today’s visit took us to another home where children have been received and are housed. This home currently has ten children and their ages cover the spectrum. In the photo you are able to see seven whom I was allowed to photograph. This location has one special needs child who had surgery two days ago. The momma’s name is “Nadiya.” This is an appropriate name because in Ukrainian the word means “Hope.” Thus, she is the momma that personifies hope to the children who have seen only hopelessness and have forgotten how to smile.
Nadiya also is recovering from surgery this week and is struggling through the post-op recoveries and stresses. Her husband died just four months ago. Nicholi told me that of all the homes we are visiting, this one probably has the greatest need. We delivered a number of bags of groceries, a bag of flour, boxes of canned goods, enriched rice mixes and other commodities. The children helped us and were eager to see what was being brought. It was unfortunate that we did not have any Family Buckets! But Jerry Morgan and Jerry Moore loaded a container with 138 Family Buckets and it is on the water coming this way. Thanks to Kathy Cadden there are boxes of canned goods that will help feed children who are lodged in locations with greater numbers.
I have tried to explain the security that surrounds the displaced children, but let me try again…in the current war context Ukraine is under Military Martial Law…in a conversation with a military official we were discussing the plight of these children. He was incensed at the way many think they can simply do whatever they wish regarding the children but such naiveté invites a greater danger to children from the lurking Evil. Russia has already kidnapped 700,000+ children. These have been taken under the guise of “education” and “freedom.”
The military officer said, “They are stealing our DNA!” In simple terms, the trafficking of these children is “stealing the soul” of Ukraine.
It is this disregard for Ukraine, by those with “good intentions,” that incenses those in positions of authority regarding the children. Those from the west, and the USA specifically, fail to understand this point and rush the children pell-mell into harm.
Plus, by their careless actions in ignoring protocols, these have placed themselves and all of their “contacts” into the file of “human traffickers.” The only way to evade this, once one is innocently caught in the actions that are interpreted as violations of the martial law, is to sever immediately and specifically distance one’s self from those who are now identified as violating protocol.
There is an active schedule that Russia is following in order to secure the names and locations of children that can be seized and taken into Russia. There are a number of other factors associated with the removal of children from Ukraine into Russia that cannot be stated here. But the emphatic point should be understood that those who callously rush in, without respecting the protocols, are seen as real-time threats to the “soul of Ukraine.”
This point may be rejected by some, but their denial does not remove the perception of the event.
There are protocols in place which, when followed, allow assistance and care to be given to the children scattered throughout the nation. I hope this does not dissuade those who want to assist. The need is urgent. There is a great need for partnership but only with those willing to follow established protocols. Those who think they can circumvent or override the protocols will sadly experience some really bad consequences from their disastrous attitude, if they are in-country.
One final thought…Nadiya’s home has been hit by several devastating developments. It is probably the home that has the greatest need that I have seen in the past few days. But as Nadiya’s name suggests, it is a home with “Hope” as its momma. And this momma is doing all she can to help these children who gather under her wings!
Our Bible Classes and school work started off FANTASTICALLY today! We had 12 at the Church building for study as Avery began his survey of 1 Corinthians. Jared had 40+ at the school tonight. During the day the school classes went very well. A report with photos will come tomorrow. It is too late and I am too exhausted to piece it together tonight!
John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
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