Report #13 | 2024 Spring Trip

Feature Photo: The first shipment of Life Boxes to the Kharkiv Church of Christ arrived and is being distributed by Igor and the brethren. Here are the first residents in Kharkiv to receive the Life Boxes.

Kharkiv, Ukraine was one of the prime targets when Russia invaded Ukraine February 2022. It is the second largest city and at one time served as the nation’s capital. The Lord’s Church has been active in Kharkiv for decades and the West Huntsville Church of Christ has long supported the work there.

The current status

Currently Kharkiv is in a terrible condition. Russia has destroyed the power plant and continues daily to send missiles, drones and glide-bombs into the city. A recent report I read at a briefing said that Kharkiv was targeted by Russia to become part of the post-war “gray zone” (some use “grey zone”). This is a section of land totally devastated and made unfit to live. Russia thinks such a “gray zone” will keep it safe. The Russian objective of this gray zone is to have a swath of razed, uninhabitable rubble in Ukraine from the north all the way to Odesa—nothing but total devastation is envisioned by the Russian military planners. Note: This is the historic war doctrine of devastation and sowing the soil with salt; a totality of ruin to last endlessly (see Judges 9:45). Some have asked “How long will rebuilding take?” The answer from Russia is “Nothing will be rebuilt in the gray zone.”

The Amazing Opportunity

Several months ago, we were offered an amazing opportunity by which boxes of food, hygiene supplies and other commodities would be packed in Poland and delivered free into Ukraine. These were restricted to those congregations on the frontline. They were called “Life Boxes.” (See this link for the initial post: We were asked to provide the names of congregations and contacts that were on or near to the frontlines of the war. Prior to the post I sent out a special plea for such names and then when the post appeared I received several contacts. These were instantly turned in and the process began for their delivery. On the January visit I was able to see the delivery of some of these boxes to various locations.

The West Huntsville Church of Christ (Huntsville, AL) has long been one of my partners in efforts to evangelize Ukraine. I was thrilled when they responded saying they would love to have these delivered. In fact, they were the very first to respond!

Brother James Andrews was the West Huntsville contact and brother Igor Olefira was the Kharkiv contact and working between them and me was our dear Inna Kuzmenko!

The question was raised as to whom these boxes could be given. Igor says he has received things that were tagged and restricted in distribution. I replied that there are no restrictions for the Lord’s Church as it is to do good unto ALL men following the Lord’s example (Acts 1:1). Through imitating the Lord’s service, the Church gains respect and reputation. Igor thanked me for the clarification and agreed.

Igor wrote, “Thank you for your concern, dear brother! We met with you in 2004 in Kyiv. You organized the delivery of containers with humanitarian aid from the Churches of Christ in the USA at that time. Thank you for your work.”

Brother James Andrews wrote, “Thank you, John, for the delivery of these Life Boxes to the Kharkiv congregation. They—and we!—are very happy you are doing that. We are also very appreciative of the work you are doing in Ukraine and other parts of the world. You have made a big difference in the Lord’s work in those areas.”

The First Deliveries

After compiling a list of locations (on the priority of contacts received) we began shipping these boxes. On the first truckload, to our contact list, 100 boxes were shipped. These were delayed at the Polish border for a number of weeks. Finally, they were delivered and distribution began.

Inna sent me this note: “Hi John, here are two pictures Igor sent as they gave out only 6 boxes. The rest is planned to be given out at the end of the month.”

Continue praying for our efforts. Opportunities continue to present themselves in amazing ways!

John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109