All who traveled have returned and are busily engaged in ongoing efforts. We continue to keep communications lively. Here is a brief report on some of the ongoing events that resulted from our trip. More details will be forthcoming.
New Website and Communication Portal
As anyone reading these reports knows, I loathe FaceBook (This is my subtle conclusion). It is the singular source for more intel mining than any other source the bag guys use. Sadly, such warnings (even documented by our military and the military of other nations) are shrugged off. Even street criminals utilize FB for their evil. In the 2020 elections FB pumped in millions of dollars to push evil’s agenda and these funds were from the “clicks” and posts that many consider “harmless” (but every time you click you assist the funding of evil’s agenda).
In times past FB has been used in the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation, but Gif and I have been working to remove our connection with that group. We have now arranged for a secure platform (well at least as secure as can be outside of restricted protocols unavailable to the general population). We are setting up a Telegram site that will be utilized to filter everything connected with the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation. This will also be utilized for community messaging and news releases. This should be running soon and all the associated FB connections will be forever wiped! So, if you are on the current FB for the congregation, you will need to contact me, or Gif, for protocols to be connected. Beware that your inclusion on this new platform will be strictly regulated and you will be required to remove yourself from any social media platforms that are considered “potentially harmful.”
This is exciting because, through this new platform, the Ivano-Frankivsk Church will be able to post news and secure advertisements to announce offerings, opportunities, and scheduled outreach Bible classes. The possible offerings to get people into the Church building are exciting.
This new development does cost. We have the initial start-up cost in designing and populating the website. Then there is an annual cost (subscription) that is necessary for the congregation to broadcast unlimited announcements and news into the community. We already have the development and start-up costs covered. We are lacking the annual running cost which is $600.00. Can anyone assist us in covering this cost?
I sent word to Gif that I had the funds to cover the start-up costs and they could proceed with development. He sent back this excited reply:
“Great, thank you! Vova and I had a really good discussion on Thursday about what to do with the Church Telegram page he is developing and how to use it. He did ask when the money to start it would be coming. Vova will be excited that the start-up funds are coming. He has been texting me all week about what he wants to do. He is about to be unleashed I think…”
Container Arrival
On March 13 we loaded a container that was shipped to Ivano-Frankivsk. Gif sent this update: “Got word our container is in Poland so hopefully it should be in soon!” The container arrived and it took about three hours to unload it. Among this container’s commodities are 13 pallets of enriched rice that will go to locations housing and feeding the orphans from the war. There were also the 700+ amazing backpacks that the Sun Valley Church of Christ (Gilbert, AZ) had sent. We also had 12 large boxes of personal hygiene bags that had been urgently requested.
Bible Classes at Rehab Centers
One of the most encouraging developments of this visit was a visit to a State Rehabilitation Center that we have helped furnish with various equipment and supplies. The Director was very eager for Gif to come and teach classes. There are two locations that she directs and we anticipate Gif teaching the Bible at both. The initial study went well and Gif is now scheduled for a regular Bible study. This opens unimaginable doors for future teaching, planting, and watering of the Seed! Gif sent a brief note about the initial visit.
“About to head out to meet Svetlana. We have a little change tonight – she wants me to have the first study with her husband and her mom so that way she can see how I do it before letting me talk to people in the rehab center. That’s probably a wise choice; a good practice run never hurt anyone. The study went well! It ended up just mainly being a conversation between me and Svetlana’s mother. We talked about the importance of prayer and reading the Bible and how the only way for faith to grow is through actually studying the Bible – listening to what other people say is fine, but you have to check it for yourself to make sure it’s correct because humans can make mistakes. We also talked about how having a church family can help in that way too because if you don’t understand a passage, someone who is at a different maturity level in their faith may be able to explain it in a better way. All of this came from her questions like ‘should we read the Bible every day?’ And ‘What if I don’t understand what I’m reading?’ I had thought we’d be there maybe 30 minutes; we ended up staying over 2 hours! Anyway, Svetlana said she wants me to start coming weekly to the rehab center and that she’ll let me know if there are any specific topics she wants me to talk about each week, or if she doesn’t have one for the week, then I can come up with my own. I think she even wants to start as soon as this week!”
The War’s Impact in Ivano-Frankivsk
Gif notes, “As far as safety, we had some sirens Saturday morning before sunrise but I never heard anything after the siren. Also, supposedly a few weeks ago the bad guys were bragging about destroying something in our region to the point where even some of our church members believed it. Sasha and I drove past it today totally intact. Got to take everything with a heavy dose of salt.”
A Special Highlight — SeaStar Kids!
I want to give a shoutout to Dr. Gary Jerkins and John Durham. From almost the beginning of the war Gary and I discussed the need for post-war rehabilitation and how the Lord’s People can be the vanguard for this effort. Gary has previously assisted children in Ukraine through the “SeaStar Kids” program. That effort was very successful in helping children in Ukraine be grounded in biblical morality and assisted in educational goals. The SeaStar Kids is centered in Nashville, TN, and many Christians are working in its efforts. The traumas of war have expanded the SeaStar Kids to look for ways to assist the children traumatized by war. Through Gary’s connections with Vanderbilt University, he has recruited a number of professionals who are eager to join us in our efforts. These are affiliated with Vandy but this is not a VU project.
In the initial assessment, it was decided to begin with a setup of a center in Ivano-Frankivsk. The project took its next step in April as Gary brought a team of professionals and conducted a one-day conference that brought administrators and medical professionals together. This conference announced the goals and stated the general plans. Interest was overwhelming and the conference registration had to be closed days before it was to occur.
The SeaStar Kids are collecting personal hygiene bags that will be distributed to locations where children displaced by the war’s evil are living. We have a secure means of transportation and distribution for this project. Gary sent word that ONE-THOUSAND personal hygiene bags are being sent!
In the midst of earthy woes…
A closing thought…the situation in Ukraine is disturbing. Political agendas appear to be the governing factor. Innocent lives are traumatized. The common population loses life, limbs, personal dignity, and material possessions. The tribulations of earthly living are not restricted to Eastern Europe. Job observes that our lives are filled with such (Job 14:1-2). BUT! In the “midst” of earthly woes, man is not alone. The Psalmist rejoiced by saying,
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will reach out with Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me.”
(Psalm 138:7)
I look forward to sharing more updates on the amazing work that God is doing in the “midst” of earthly woes!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Montgomery, AL)
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