Life Boxes Distributed in Kharkiv

A woman receives one of the Life Boxes in Khakiv

The LIFE BOXES continue to be distributed in Kharkiv, Ukraine. This is especially critical as Kharkiv has become constantly bombed. The brethren in the Church of Christ on Alekseevka in Kharkiv are under constant threat but are courageously staying and working for the Lord! Igor Olefira sends the photos and brief note below. This work is overseen by the West Huntsville Church of Christ.

Encouraging Developments

This UPDATE contains encouraging actions in our efforts in Ukraine and in the USA. Gif continues to do a great job in Ivano-Frankivsk and in the next update on this site I will post his most recent monthly report. Every facet of the rehabilitation project continues to “gel.” Dr Gary Jerkins and John Durham recently returned after an assessment trip and conducted a conference for professionals who are involved in our emotional health center focus. We continue to receive requests for studies in clinics with those undergoing rehabilitation. This is in response to my point that we need to rehab the entire person—a physical body rehabbed must also have a spiritual body rehabbed! It is encouraging to see the doors opening in this area. Igor’s below report on the success of LIFE BOXES is very encouraging and more contacts are developing as continued shipments are constantly made. This was an amazing opportunity that God opened for us!

Read and rejoice below in the amazing doors being opened and be thankful for our brethren whose courageous decision to stay in the frontline areas has been rewarded by ample opportunities to serve God!

LIFE BOXES in Kharkiv!

Dear brothers and sisters, everyone here understands the purpose and participation in the assistance project. We started distributing LIFE BOXES in Kharkov. Thank God for you and your ministry. May God bless you richly and generously. Greetings to you from Kharkov from the Church of Christ on Alekseevka. We thank you on behalf of all Kharkiv residents. We hug you! Igor

Be sure to see some of the many photos that Igor sent on the distribution.

Sylacauga Church of Christ—meets and exceeds the goal!

This faithful congregation has been involved worldwide missions for years. Having them partner with us in our efforts in Ukraine is fantastic. One of the constant needs for the displaced is bedding. Recently Chip McEwen challenged the Sylacauga brethren to help supply 500 blankets (fleece throws) for the displaced children who are scattered throughout Ukraine. Chip’s challenge was met and EXCEEDED by the generous brothers and sisters in Sylacauga! Just as they had met the 500 challenge, Chip said Mike wanted not only to meet the challenge but to do more than the challenge. And they did! Mike Kiser, evangelist at Sylacauga, delivered the last of the blankets. Along with the blankets the congregation also sent Family Buckets and clothing for the children.

Hillsboro Church of Christ begins their Family Bucket drive!

The good brethren at the Hillsboro Church of Christ (Nashville, TN) sent word while I was in Ukraine that they wanted to do a Family Bucket drive. Their goal is 500 Family Buckets! Recently brother Ron Swang sent me this note:

We are beginning the ground work for our bucket drive and I was asked to see if you could send me some pictures of a family receiving a bucket. Please send them to my email. It looks like the last trip went well. Still praying for the work in Ukraine and for the work you are doing. Thanks for all you do.

Ron Swang

Idaho Fire Fighters—Donation and shipment!

Recently Charita sent me a message that the Idaho Fire Fighters wanted to send 13 pallets of firefighter clothing and equipment to Kharkiv. That will not fill a container so we will receive the pallets in Montgomery and then ship those pallets with other medical supplies that we have in the Montgomery warehouse. This donation is critically needed in Kharkiv because of Russia’s evil bombings that continue to decimate that city. More on this as we load, ship, and distribute in Kharkiv!

A Closing Thought

Thank you to all involved in this work of the Lord. At times situations seem overwhelming BUT God can accomplish what we cannot! I am reminded of King Asa’s situation (2 Chronicles 15:1-8). Asa is urged to trust God and follow God even when adverse situations arise. For those who fail to trust God, there is “no peace” only “disturbances and afflictions” and “crushing by every kind of distress.” Surrounded by the discouraging “wiles” of Satan, Asa would be tempted to give up and give in to the “hopelessness” surrounding him. God’s prophet told Asa, “But you be strong, and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your works.”

This is God’s counsel challenging all who are tempted to let the devious discouragers of the Devil hinder our productivity and cause our focus to be misdirected: “But you be strong, and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your works.”

In the midst of upheaval and turmoil in Ukraine, we will be strong, we will not lose courage because we are following God!

Note the photos from Kharkiv are below. There are many so the best way is to view them in the slideshow on the website. If you view in the email you will have a long way to the end!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
(Montgomery, AL)