Update May 18, 2024 šŸ˜Š Encouraging News!

This week Gif sent a number of notes highlighting the amazing good that is happening. A number of good things are happening but below is space for only a few to be mentioned. Be sure and note how the invitations to the Bible study sessions at the rehabilitation center are continuing! This single fact is so encouraging but when combined with all of the other actions and opportunities opening, this is cause for great rejoicing. This is only the beginning of am amazing project that will off the Lordā€™s Church incredible opportunities. I have included some of the encouraging emails I have received as well as a brief post on other amazing actions this week. One event I did not include in detail was a wonderful visit by Ray, Polina and Sergii to the Dalraida congregation on Sunday. They traveled specifically from VA and NYC to ā€œcome and seeā€ the Dalraida congregation at worship. Sergii is one of the warriors who is receiving a prothesis as he lost a leg in the Donetsk Airport battle. These three are significant players in amazing operations! Paulina was astonished by worshipping with Dalraida (reminded me of the phrase ā€œthe half has not been toldā€) and the congregation warmly embraced her and Sergii and once again embraced Ray!

Read below the news and rejoice in the Lordā€™s progress. Iā€™m reminded of Julia Ward Howeā€™s words: ā€œI have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps; They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps. His Day is marching on. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.ā€

Gifā€™s Encouraging Notesā€¦

I just had a meeting with the English professor that John Durham worked with when he was living here. Iā€™ll start working with his students next week, and he said when the fall comes I can teach them any class that I like! Obviously, that wonā€™t be a theology class, but he mentioned literature and ethics. Once I build the relationship with his summer classes, Iā€™ll ask him if I can teach my ā€œBible as Literatureā€ class similar to what I taught at Faulkner ā€“ not theology necessarily, but it would get students reading the Bible. One thing I forgot to tell you I think: Thursday, Svetlanaā€™s second rehab center will have their opening ceremony and she invited me and Inna to come as ā€œguests of honor.ā€ I donā€™t know what that means, but Iā€™m sure not going to miss it!

He then sent this follow-up messageā€¦

Svetlana/Rehab center ā€“ everything went great! I misunderstood what it was; it wasnā€™t the opening of the second center, but instead the opening ceremony for a conference she is hosting. She was really glad to see us there either way! The conference is going through the weekend so we wonā€™t have a Bible study this weekend, but she already called today to see if we can come next week. Gif

More Wonderful News from Gif!

Vovaā€™s mother in law (Galina) was baptized this afternoon! Attaching some pictures here. We had a great study last night and it was clear she was very ready. She said she wanted to be freed from her sins and live a new life with no burden. Also, Vova asked her if we needed to talk about infant baptism – she said no, she believes that infant baptism is worthless because it should be an individualā€™s choice and babies canā€™t make that choice. I really didnā€™t have to do any teaching, it was more just a final study to hear her say she was ready. 

Her husband is here with her; Vova and Natasha really wanted him to be baptized as well but he says heā€™s not ready. He told us he wants to see the change in his wife. Vova asked ā€œWhat if you donā€™t live that long? You know what you need to do and the water is here.ā€ But, he said he still needs time. I am sure his family will keep encouraging him.

An extra note in case anyone asksā€”Vova asked me last night who should do the actual baptizing. I could tell he wanted to do it and let him know I thought he should since he had done all of the studying. Plus, that would be further demonstration that any Christian can do anything, not just the preacher. But, heā€™s never baptized anyone before and he was a bit nervous. He was asking a lot of questions about it, and then even when we arrived, he was asking more ā€“ what do I say, when do I say it, what does she say, how do we stand, etc. Then he asked if I would just do it. I told him I thought he would do well but that I would be happy to do it whichever way the family decided. Natasha asked ā€œWould it be wrong for two people to baptize? So that way you could help him?ā€ Of course, weā€™ve all heard stories of people who are bedridden needing 5ā€“6 people to baptize them, and since the person doing the baptism doesnā€™t really matter I thought it would be fine. So, I agreed with Vova that I would help him to make sure he did it right on his first time, but that if I was going to help then he needs to find someone else to baptize so he can do the next one on his own. He said it was a great idea. He took her confession, did all the talking, and when it came time I helped him lower her into the water, but that was the extent of my job. So, consider it a ā€œhands onā€ lesson on how to baptize.


Sherrod Avenue

Becky Terry sent this note: “Would it be possible to drop off some donations on Wednesday, the 22nd around 11:00? I am headed to Africa next week! I enjoyed reading all the updates on the website! Wonderful things happening there! The news hasnā€™t looked so good for them recently but hopefully that will change soon! Hope you are doing well!”

Hillsboro Bucket Drive Update

“John, our group met last night to insure we have all steps covered for preparing buckets for shipment. We had questions raised last evening that neither Ron Swang or myself had the answer. Scott Saunders, works at Healing Hands, has the buckets and lids and is very helpful. Goal: 500 buckets however we are not going to limit ourselves to that number-going to see response.”

Impact of our shipments

Encouraging wordsā€¦

Look forward to your updates always! So happy you are back safely! Gif is truly a blessing and more than willing to share his time for serving the Lord! May God Bless him and you as your work continues in His vineyard! We love you dearly brother! Joel and Joy

Container loaded Friday!

Rejoice in the great work today! THANK YOU for your help. Here are the totals that you helped accomplish:

1,279 pieces loaded!

17,540 pounds total weight!

$290,275.00 Total value!

This load is going to Kharkov where Russia is relentlessly bombing. You helped load 13 pallets that the Idaho Fire Fighters donated for us to ship.

Joining in this action is brother Michael Lawson who is assisting in the logistical operations of distribution for the part of the container that is not designated for the fire fighters. Mikeā€™s POC sent this note regarding the shipment: ā€œDear John, Thank you very much for this update and for your so important help! Kind regards, Mariiaā€

John L. Kachelman, Jr. UKRAINE MISSIONS, Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109.