Update May 31, 2024

Featured Photo: Gif is teaching Bible classes in the rehabilitation clinics. This is the beginning of a project that has unlimited and nationwide ramifications. I have been approached to coordinate Bible classes in various locations. I eagerly accepted the opportunity but am awed by the scope and potential. Thanks to Gif we have begun to seize this opportunity. It will be exciting to see how this develops.

Gif’s good news of the events of May…

Here is a PDF that Gif sent regarding the activities in May. The report contains only a FEW of the many actions in which he was involved this last month. Read, rejoice and pray for his continued energy and enthusiasm!


What’s YOUR Job?

I appreciate brother Ken Smith sending the below article that was printed in the Anchorage Church of Christ’s bulletin. Ken says it is not original with him but he thought it had a good point. I agree!

Too often the Lord’s Church has been drawn “off mission” by following suggestions that compromise our purpose. When the congregation loses “mission focus” it becomes impotent and unable to satisfy God’s objectives! The mission of the Church is to “preach the gospel.” Mankind is seeking for the peace and reconciliation that only the gospel provides. When the Church begins thinking that it can appeal and satisfy man’s spiritual yearnings with entertaining and amusing “outreach” models, they are “off mission.” Let us be vigilant that we do not become as the Corinthians and follow “a different gospel”!

The Devil has a constant maneuver hindering the mission of the Church. This maneuver is a classic misdirection. The Church is active but not active in its divine mission. Members are busy, but not busy in evangelism. Too many identify with the words of 1 Kings 20:40 “While your servant was busy here and there, he disappeared.”

Three young fire fighters had just finished their arduous fire academy training. Naturally, they were eager to put the long hours of study and physical strain into actually extinguishing fires and saving people. They—we will call them, “One,” “Two,” and “Three”—reported to the station chief fifteen minutes before their shift actually began. Each was thinking, “Gotta make a good first impression!” All three were excellent students as they toured the station. They were briefed on the firefighting equipment, vehicles, and proper procedures to ensure the safety of not only the public, but of themselves as well. Finally, the chief concluded. “The information you have received in the academy and here in the station provides everything necessary to perform the duties of your position. Now, I need to inform you of tasks necessary for the efficient operation of the station.”

“One, I want you to monitor the coffee levels. We run a 24—hour schedule and there needs to always be fresh coffee. Understand?” One: “Yes, sir. Monitor the coffee.” “Two, I want you to constantly tune our radios because of the importance of emergency communication in our profession. Understand?” Two: “Yes, Sir. Tune the radios.” “Three, you are to maintain the slide pole from the second floor to the first floor so that we may quickly respond to emergencies. Understand?” Three: “Yes, Sir. Maintain the slide pole Chief: “Very well. One, what is your job?” One: “Monitor the coffee.” Chief: “Two, what is your job?” Two: “Tune the radios.” Chief: “Three, what is your job?” Three: “Maintain the slide pole.”

Chief: “All three of you failed! What is your JOB? Your JOB is to fight fires! If you focus on secondary activities instead of your principal job, the town will burn down!”

Now, dear Christian, what is YOUR job? Jesus gave us our Primary Directive in Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” THAT is our job! There are many ways we can help accomplish this: By being a Christian example in the home, school, and on the job. How about showing sincere interest to those who visit our services? (No one should be sitting alone without someone speaking to them.) How about making calls or writing notes to the sick or discouraged? How about specific prayer for our elders, preachers, teachers, and each other? How about regularly giving for the church to reach out? Jesus accomplished what He was sent to do. Now, as a Christian, are you doing your JOB?

As told to Ken Smith (thanks Ken for passing this along!)

John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109

Construction continues! The kitchen was recently finished with the cabinet installation!

Construction continues! The kitchen was recently finished with the cabinet installation!
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