Featured Photo: The Ladies of the congregation are busily preparing for the worship assembly to begin and have snacks, coffee and tea for when the worshiping assembly has concluded. They are deliighted with the completion of the kitchen.
Disclaimer–Jet-lagging in process so give mercy!
I have arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk. Gif has returned to do a number of things that he needed to do. My arrival has to be one of the craziest trips ever. From the beginning departure in Montgomery to the arrival in Poland and the trek into Ivano-Frankivsk, there has been constant delays and other mishaps, including “enjoying” spending the night in Atlanta’s airport—some strange things happen in those late hours! In the process, my return booking was deleted, my itinerary to Warsaw became a quagmire—I think unscrambling eggs would have been an easier task!
Gif’s departure from Ukraine and his entry into Poland went well. He reported being picked up by a huge black SUV with a driver wearing sunglasses and no one talking to him. His return will also be a story he can share for a long time—but he IS returning to continue his exceptional job. All was scripted and orders followed closely.
Our arrival into Ivano-Frankivsk was 1:01 AM Sunday. We were up early for worship but soon discovered there was no electricity. The government has instituted a schedule of rolling blackouts so electrical use will not be heavy and they can begin banking electricity for the coming winter. But when you are staying on the 7th floor and no electricity to run the elevator, you are not thinking of banking for the winter. Adding to this is the fact that Ukraine is going through a historic heat wave. Someone told me today that Ukraine is projected to be the hottest European country and I’m here loving it while walking up and down seven flights of stairs, maneuvering pitch-dark rooms and thinking ahead as to what needs to be done as the next rolling blackout occurs.
Our assembly today went well. There were 25 present and all of the men participated in leading the worship. We had several non-member visitors today, but there were several usual attendees who were absent. Gif has implemented a sign-up sheet by which the men indicate which of the acts of worship they will lead (see below). The amazing response since Gif started this in January is wonderful.
I preached on Psalm 46:1-4 and applied it to God’s instructions on how to overcome the tribulations oof earthly living. Two mothers in the congregation have recently had their sons drafted and they are in the throes of anxiety over their sons situations. The general call for registration has gone out several weeks ago. There are a number of men who have not registered. The military is acutely aware of large gatherings and set up checkpoints to make sure all are registered. If they have not followed the law and registered, they are instantly apprehended and sent to basic training. This underscores the seriousness of refusing to register and the consequences oof that choice.
I was pleased with the continuing construction of the Church building. Below are a few photos showing the completed kitchen and the plastering of the outside walls. You can see the tile border at the bottom before the outside plastering begins. All outside steps are now completed and the inside stairs look amazing.
Continue praying for the efforts over here and for Gif as he is traveling and will return in mid-July. More to come!! I am already scheduled to follow up on Gif’s Bible studies at the Rehab clinics and today I was asked to visit one of the hospitals and talk about the Lord’s Church to them. We continue to be amazed at the opportunities opening. Later on during this trip, ray and I are to sit for a TV interview on various aspects of our efforts to assist those wounded in body and spirit by the war.
John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL 36109
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