Summer Trip Report #2

Featured Photo: Here are part of those who gathered for the Bible Class at the Physical Therapy Clinic in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. A wonderful time and invigorating excitement.

Just a few quick notes…I know those who have accompanied me on mission trips cannot believe this is only the SECOND Report! I usually like to send more to keep all up-to-date on happenings. But this trip is unique in that we have rolling blackouts and activities are strictly scheduled because there is a great deal to accomplish in a very brief period of time.


Because of the damage that RU bombings has done to Ukraine’s infrastructure, there are rolling blackouts all over the nation. These occur at different parts of the day and night. You find yourself planning around the blackouts—when to shower, cook, etc. The biggest challenge to me living on the SEVENTH FLOOR is the elevator—going down is not a problem but coming the other way takes my breath away! There are some who are in the elevators when the power goes off and are stuck there for 3-4 hours. So as I approach the elevator I ask Tanya, “When is the power going off?” I have many reasons for not wishing to spend 3-4 hours in a stuck elevator but probably the biggest is the objection from a 71-year-old bladder!

Because of blackouts we were not able to have our usual mid-week class. On Thursday Vova came over and we taped it so he could post it on the congregation’s page. He is also working on the Telegram page. We will soon close the FB page and the Telegram page will have added security and Vova will be able to post much more about the congregation. It will have a very secure feature so general information on the congregation is available to anyone but there will be sections that are very secure and available only to members and those who have the passcode. Vova said the site would have been up but his wife fell and broke her shoulder-blade and that has hindered his work.

Today (Saturday) we have enjoyed a great day with no blackouts. I’m not sure if it is because of the day and many are at home working or it just happens on the rotation.

Wintertime with blackouts is going to be perilous. I received briefings this week that Kyiv is urging people to move from the high-rise apartment complexes to private homes because of the dangerous heating issues. Those living on the frontline sections or near the troubled areas are in great peril. We have brethren in these locations who will assist us in getting generators and emergency heating devices into those areas.

And…just as I write this the power goes off!!


I had the joy of visiting and studying a passage from the Bible with the PT Clinic. Gif started this and we did not want it to drop while he was away. I discussed a chapter in Proverbs and it was well received. They are eager for me to return Tuesday.


I was to meet an assault brigade and give them personal hygiene bags to deliver to families near the frontline. The vehicle they were bringing broke down and we could not make the appointment. This coming week I’ll take the bags to the brigade’s compound and they will take them over to the east for us. I will try to get photos but remember photos are strictly censured especially photos of children and troops.


Here is your botany lessons for today. What is considered to be the most poisonous weed in the world? It is the giant HOGWEED (according to some websites). Search and read up on it and you will be shocked with its potency for humans ( It can cause blindness. Well, the Church building is smack-dab in the middle of a huge giant hog weed infestation! And each year its large blooms seed and those seeds “fly” through the air and in the spring produce more. The key is poisoning and elimination of the seeds. To do this you have to hit it before the flowers mature and seed. Below are photos of the fields of Giant Hogweed surrounding the Church building. This week Valeri and I started our war on the Giant Hogweed. Pasha is working on it as well. To give you an idea of how “giant” these are, look at the photo from the inside 8-foot wall and see the weeds towering over the wall.

John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL 36109