Featured Photo: Tamara, Vova and Tanya are in the Church Bus heading to the mid-week Bible classes.
The rolling blackouts are very inconvenient. They disrupt everything from water, to safety, to internet access. Last night we were able to have our mid-week Bible study. But during the day someone had turned on water to wash hands but there was no water because the electricity was shut-off. Forgetting to turn off the tap meant that when power returned so did the water. This was realized when, as the first to enter the hallway next to the bathrooms, my foot splashed in water and instantly I exclaimed “Oh No!”! Before we could have the class we had to get the water up using towels to soak up the water then squeezing the water out in buckets and repeating…
The Regional Oncological Hospital
The last few days have been full of a number of actions. One of the major actions has been visiting and working with the Regional Oncological Hospital. One of the regular visitors at the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation is Ivan Mykolvych. Ivan came to Ivano-Frankivsk when the Russian invasion displaced him. He has been attending with his friend Maria for about two-years. Maria is a gracious lady and had opened her home to IDPs. A steady stream of IDPs has transitioned through Maria’s home. Ivan is one of those who chose to stay in Ivano-Frankivsk. Ivan and Maria have been very steady in attendance and congregational activities. Ivan has colon and prostate cancer. I was invited to visit with Ivan and in the process met Dr Yurii. Dr Yurii is the Chief Radiologist for western Ukraine.
The hospital has just received, from Germany, up-to-date equipment that can perform every radiologically procedure that is required. The hospital is currently building a room for the machine and it will be in a wing of the hospital that is being renovated just for this purpose.
Dr. Yurii had asked if we were able to ship furnishings. They do not need equipment but do need furnishings. He told me that he is able to receive such at deep discounts and maybe it would be better economically to purchase over here rather than shipping a container. He invited me to go with him and see if I could get these at a lesser cost than shipping a container.
He had the list prepared and we went shopping. We were able to find everything Dr. Yurii said was critically needed in the new Radiological Center and the cost was much less than shipping a container.
This Regional Hospital treats over 1,200 patients each month! Dr. Yurii said he will post plaques stating that the Ivano-Frankivsk Church of Christ assisted in furnishing this newly renovated wing. Those coming for treatments are often distressed and looking for comfort that comes only from the Lord! As they sit and wait for their procedure, they will be looking at this plaque and be assured of the Lord’s concern. We hope to be able to provide some literature for them to read while they wait. Those seeking more comfort will be directed to Gif and resources that will help.
I am to return to the hospital on Friday and sign documents verifying that the Church did purchase the requested items for the new Radiology Wing of the hospital. Hopefully I can send a report on that event.
Visit with Mayor Anatoly
I was able to make a brief visit to the Mayor of Lysets. Anatoly Romanovych has been a good friend and resource for many years. Thanks to him I am an honorary citizen of Stary Lysets. Several over the years have attended the Village Day events and their presence always cheers the villagers and Anatoly!
The War of the Giant Hogweed
We continue…thankfully Mayor Lubov arranged for a tractor that bushhogged a large section of the weed infestation on the west side of the building. Gif, Pasha, Valeri and I had attacked the south (front) side and it is dying. The bushhogging serves only to give us a safe-area so we can clear the weed with a herbicide. But care needs to be exercised because even the mowed weed remains poisonous. The poison easily transfers from shoes or clothing that touches the chopped weed. The ideal time to eradicate this evil weed is in the spring before it grows tall. We missed that window because we had not shipped any herbicide. But we are positioning ourselves to be able to deal with it next spring. Now we are striving only to knock down the plants before seeds mature and start flying away.
The Mayor was very appreciative of our efforts. They have tried to secure a herbicide to eradicate these weeds but could not find any. I have told her we have a chemical that works and will share it with her and the village. Whoever thought that weed killing would cause the Lord’s Church to shine its light brighter and reach some who otherwise are beyond contact and influence?
I have been composing this over the last few days because when I get to write there is no power. So trying again!
THANK YOU for your support and encouragement in so many ways!
John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL 36109
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