Summer Trip Report #5

Featured Photo: We delivered a large number of personal hygiene bags that will be transported and delivered to those in need along the frontline. The bags were shipped under #222 on the inventory. These bags came from a number oof congregations in the Montgomery, AL area. THANK YOU for collecting these. These items are desperately needed.

The rolling power outages continue and now we are up to 15 hrs per day of blackouts. The remaining 9 hrs are divided up on a rotating basis. When the power shuts down all start using mobile devices and that overloads the system and many calls, texts and emails do not get through to their destinations. It was announced yesterday that because of the hot weather the government would “have to” cut back more on electricity! As you walk down the streets it is difficult to hear anything because of the cacophony of generators running. The lack of electricity in the summer portends disaster in the winter.

There are three highlights I want to share quickly before the power goes off again.

Meeting with the Ivano-Frankivsk Religious Department Head

In order for Gif to receive an extended stay VISA we were required to get a seal and stamp from the Religious Department. I was dreading this because past history has never been good. As things developed, I was made aware that the source of the problem was not the Director, nor me, nor the Church. It was hindered because the Religious Department did not want to approve registration of a Church that was directed by a totalitarian personality. I had a three-hour meeting and learned many things about the real truth of the conflict. We left with the letter signed and stamped and a resolve on both parts to “start a new history” and let the old bad history be left in the records. Gif’s coming will definitely help this goal to be achieved.

Physical Therapy Clinic Study

We met again at the PT Clinic and had a number of new faces to join us for Bible reading and study. The interest was amazing and there were several very eager to read and study. I promised them that if they did not have Bibles, the Church would give them one. An interesting question was asked by “Miroslav.” He asked, “Does you Bible have 66 books or do you have additional books?” I told him that we have only 66 books as the Canon of the Scriptures was carefully decided many years ago. He seemed satisfied with the reply but I’m sure he will have more questions. He knows 4 languages (Ukrainian, Russian, German, and French). He asked me how many languages I knew and I told him that I only know souther English and at times that’s a challenge! He enjoyed the reply.

Personal Hygiene Bags Distributed

Friday morning I met with Nickolay N and we loaded a van and car with personal hygiene bags that are desperately needed by those near the front line. Thankfully the Carpathian Assault Brigade was on rotation from the front and they volunteered to get the bags in for us when they return.

The below photos are from the PT class and the delivery of the hygiene bags.

John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL 36109

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