Featured Photo: Here is the loading crew in Holly Springs, MS! They stuffed a container for the children of war and displaced families on the frontlines. Jerry Max Morgan and Jerry Moore partnered with Kathy Cadden to fill and ship a container for the “children of war” that we are helping. Family buckets, food, clothing, and other critically needed items were stuffed into the container!
After the quick trip to Ukraine my return has been busy. We continue coordinating and working on several fronts. Here is a summary of some of the more important happenings since the last update was posted.
Container Deliveries
Within the last few weeks, we have received delivery confirmation on three containers that were shipped in April. They have reached the shipping destination and have been unloaded. Distribution will begin soon and follow-up photos and reports will be posted as received.
Rice container—delivered 40,000 pounds of fortified rice meals. These have been directed to hundreds of the “children of war.” These have been displaced or orphaned by Russia’s evil. We are helping a number of families who are housing these children. Usually along with the rice meals we purchase perishable commodities to help provide the children with a healthy diet. Now that the gardens are coming in, these dry meals can be stored for the winter that is coming.
Holly Springs, MS container—this container was loaded and shipped from Holly Springs, MS in May. It sent a fantastic 20,000 pounds that included: 134 Family Buckets, clothing, shoes, family linens, hospital linens, and canned foods. Jerry Max Morgan, Jerry Moore and Kathy Cadden worked to collect and pack this container. Their efforts, and those who joined with them in the collection and packing, have delivered an amazing blessing to those in desperate need in Ukraine. I am especially appreciative of those who work in Ukraine to make sure these commodities are securely delivered to the destination.
CURE container—Shipped out of Ft. Smith, AR in May was a container that has delivered 18,892 pounds of medical supplies and furnishings to Ukraine.
Photos of these deliveries and unloading are in a slideshow at the end of this report.
Hillsboro Church of Christ’s Bucket Project
The Hillsboro Church of Christ (Nashville, TN) has been working on a Family Bucket project. Thus far they have collected 386 Family Buckets! These buckets are probably the number one item requested by those displaced by the war and by those who are living in the hot zones near the frontlines. We are grateful that Healing Hands International is partnering with us and is storing the shipment’s inventory and will load the container when all logistics are set.
Scott Saunders is the POC on this move. He has been to Ivano-Frankivsk and here is his latest email: “Hope all of you have had a good Tuesday. In response to possible loading, with reasonable time notice (one week) to plan & get prepared, Healing Hands Intl. should be able to load a container. I believe scheduling should be done once all items to be loaded have been delivered to HHI and can be staged for the 2-hour loading time. We would need to also schedule with our warehouse manager (Chris Gannon) around 5 other containers that are currently in process. At this point, the only items we are holding in the warehouse for this shipment are the approximate 386 Hillsboro buckets. Scott”
Roberto Santiago has been with me to Ukraine and I have been with him to Guatemala. He is dedicated to the Lord’s work and a fierce warrior in the Lord’s army! Beto is working hard to help the Hillsboro container be totally stuffed with items. He has approached several Nashville congregations about helping us meet the 500 Family Bucket goal. He is working to solicit winter coats and other commodities that will be critical for the upcoming winter. Here is a bulletin Beto recently sent out to the Nashville area:
Beto-Bulletin-Buckets-Ukr.docxTHANK YOU to all that continue partnering with us in this challenging work.
John L. Kachelman, Jr., Dalraida Church of Christ, P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
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