MEEST Container Delivers Critical Aid!

Featured Photo: We are standing with the city’s sign of Truskavets, Ukraine. This is located in the west and has a number of medical facilities that are past capacity but more are arriving because of war injuries. We recently shipped a container with medical supplies to this location with the help of General M. Lyubimov. Thanks to the General we were able to secure the services of MEEST in handling this container.

Wonderful Cooperation

On a recent trip I met with MEEST LVIV and discussed our need for assistance in shipping containers. General Mykola Lyubimov and I have worked closely for many years and he had contacted MEEST LVIV about assisting us to deliver a container to Truskavets where it is desperately needed to help hundreds of patients each month to recover or rehabilitate from the horrors of Russia’s evil.

The reception from MEEST LVIV was gracious and their hospitality and spirit of cooperation was very encouraging. MEEST is a company that ships into Ukraine on a regular basis and I have used them for years in shipping boxes too individuals. Since Russia invaded and occupied portions of Ukraine, MEEST has been shipping weekly into Ukraine. Thanks to the General I had a very successful (and most delightful) meeting with Roman Kotur and Iryna Sheliah (MEEST LVIV). We discussed our program and the massive amount of containers we have shipped into Ukraine. They were willing to receive the container and transport it to the distribution sites. And they said they would cover the cost of in-country transportation! Iryna and Tanya exchanged contact information. Upon returning to the USA, I contacted MEEST AMERICA (located in New Jersey). I spoke with Yurii Lisovsky who introduced me to the delightful Zoryana Monyuk, Shipping Manager MEEST AMERICA. We navigated the logistical matrix and loaded a container with Physical Therapy items that C.U.R.E. (Ft. Smith, AR) brought as well as other supplies critically vital to the hospitals and rehabilitation clinics.

Here are the totals of this container that was sent in the Name of the Lord and His Church and received with thanksgiving to God:

  • TOTAL WEIGHT: 14,380 pounds loaded
  • TOTAL ITEM COUNT: 608 individual items loaded
  • TOTAL VALUE SHIPPED: $307,026.00!

You can review and rejoice in the report of the loading of this container at this link:

Without the partnership of MEEST LVIV/AMERICA we would not be writing this report. THANK YOU MEEST LVIV/AMERICA! See the slideshow at the end of this report.

The Narrative

Below are snippets of communication with the dates so you can have a summary of the action.

May 2, 2024—Hello, John. Of course I remember you. You are an interesting and extraordinary person. It was a pleasure to meet and communicate with you. I am waiting for information from my colleagues at MEEST America. I have Tatiana’s contacts, so I hope for a productive and long-term cooperation with you. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukrainian defenders! Sincerely, Iryna Sheliah, Logistics product support manager

June 4, 2024—Mr. John, Greetings! Thank you for the support of our doctors and, first of all, from the medical institution of the sanatorium (treatment center) of the Security Service of Ukraine “Truskavets,” who are waiting for the container with medical devices and equipment formed by you. I ask, if possible, after clearing the cargo and declaring, to provide a list for preliminary approval of address shipment to medical institutions. With your permission, I am sending this letter to Tatyana Vasilievna, who is in charge of the question. I am grateful for the cooperation, I hug you. To Victory! Best regards, Nikolay Liubymov.

June 8, 2024—Mr. John, greetings! Thank you, I saw your visit to MEEST USA and the beginning of business relations directly in the direction of sending the declared container to the address of the sanatorium “Truskavets” and I think that the distribution will be between other medical institutions. Beginning Monday I will go to Mr. Roman’s place in Lviv, find out what format of cargo delivery he will offer. I ask you to send to me the relevant accompanying and declaring documents for the cargo to coordinate my actions with the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the customs authorities and Bogdan in Lublin, the Republic of Poland. On the merits of the above, I will inform you. Sincerely, M. Lyubimov.

June 19, 2024—This morning, we loaded a 40HC for the rehabilitation hospital in Truskavets and for other locations as needed. We continue to work to secure commodities that are desperately needed to care and comfort those wounded in spirit and body by Russia’s evil invasion and occupation. General Nickolay! Thank you for being a vital part in this operation as you introduced me to Yurii Lisovskly and Iryna of MEEST UKRAINE. Thank you Polina for connecting me with Zoryana Monyuk of MEEST AMERICA! Tanya has double-checked the documents and our part is done. I am eagerly expecting to see the delivery and distribution of this container in Ukraine. And, I am praying that God will provide further opportunities for all of us to work together and accomplish great good! Thanks, and best wishes to ALL involved (those cc in this email and others who had a part), John

21.06.2024—Dear Mr. John, greetings! We received the information about the loading of medical humanitarian aid to Ukraine as another high-profile step by the United States in support of Ukraine in a complex and very bloody war against the Russian aggressor. Our friends from Truskavets are very grateful to Churches of Christ and you, they believe that this help will be able to really form a rehabilitation platform in their medical institution. Dear colleague, Mr. John, I am glad that I was able to make a corresponding contribution to charitable activities by establishing business contact with the logistics company “MEEST America.” We are waiting for the relevant accompanying documents for this cargo for timely coordination of interaction with the Ministry of Social Policy, customs and border services of Ukraine. With great respect and reverence to all partners of the United States, Nikolai Liubymov. All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation, Stability and Security”.

Received this on the July 31, 2024—Tetiana Vasylivna, greetings! The shipment has arrived in Lviv and has been unloaded at the warehouse today – the same warehouse where we visited together – the one under the supervision of Yuriy Sobol. The rehab Center “Truskaviets” is coming on Friday to pick up their stuff. We have to be done with the distribution in the first week of September. We will provide photos of distribution and will send them to your email. There were no questions concerning the accompanying documents at the border. BIG THANKS to Mr. John and his American team of Churches of Christ! Sincerely yours!

Kathy Cadden—100,014 servings of food secured!

We continue to receive pleas for food. Kathy Cadden’s unrelenting dedication has found a source of enriched rice meals that can be used in soups, casseroles and other food preparations. The rice is donated FREE but we need to pay transportation from Oklahoma. The cost of this transportation to our Montgomery warehouse is $500.00. And then we will need funds to pay the shipping cost into Poland. This rice will be used to pack the LIFE BOXES that go to those living near the frontlines See this previous report of the LIFE BOXES being distributed by the Lord’s Church in Kharkiv:

Equipment to Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Hospital

Dr. Gary Jerkins has long worked in the medical circles in Ukraine. He has utilized his professionalism to advance the Cause of Christ. He recently sent me this note: John, When do you have another container going to Ukraine? I have some hospital beds/infant beds AND a Zeiss operating microscope I would like to get to the Regional Hospital in I-F (it is already crated !!) — all this is in Memphis. Can we go ahead and send to Montgomery now in the next couple of weeks? If so, I need the address and who to coordinate with since you’re gone —J

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109

Here are happy recipients of rice meals we have shipped to a special needs home. “The orphan, and the widow who are in your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do” (Deuteronomy 14:29).